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Heat lamp safety for newborn livestock


As springtime approaches, farmers prepare for the birth of newborn animals, facing the challenge of keeping them warm in the chilly weather. A popular method is using heat lamps in barns, providing necessary warmth to these vulnerable creatures.  

However, this method brings significant risks, especially the danger of barn fires, which can escalate quickly under certain conditions. 

Experts emphasize the importance of safety when using heat lamps. The main concern is the risk of fires, heightened by flammable materials like straw in animal bedding.  

Travis Hoffman, an extension specialist, North Dakota State University and Angie Johnson, a safety coordinator, University of Minnesota highlight the need for careful management to ensure both warmth for the animals and safety for the barn. 

To reduce fire risks, several safety measures are recommended. First, secure the heat lamps properly using non-flammable materials to prevent them from falling. Choosing high-quality, durable heat lamps and bulbs can also make a significant difference.  

Regular cleaning and inspection of the lamps for any signs of wear, exposed wiring, or damage are crucial for safe operation. Importantly, heat lamps should be directly plugged into outlets with ground fault and arc fault protection, avoiding the use of extension cords. 

Fire extinguishers should be readily available in multiple locations around the barn, and considering the installation of a temperature and fire monitoring system can offer additional safety layers. 

These precautions are not just recommendations but necessary practices to prevent tragic losses from fire. With diligent application, heat lamps can be a safe and effective way to provide the needed warmth for newborn livestock, ensuring their survival through the critical first days of life. 

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Protect Freedom to Operate | Pork Cares Farm Impact Report

Video: Protect Freedom to Operate | Pork Cares Farm Impact Report

Why Should Pork Producers Care? In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, discover how the National Pork Board's Pork Cares Farm Impact Report program aims to build public trust in U.S. pork and safeguard long-term freedom to operation for our farms and businesses.

Join Jill Brokaw, a third-generation pig farmer and staff member at the National Pork Board, as she dives into the critical reasons why the U.S. pork industry needs to engage in global conversations about meat consumption and environmental impacts by staying rooted in our We Care Ethical Principles.

What You'll Learn This video provides information on the Pork Checkoff-funded initiative, the Pork Cares Farm Impact Report. Learn how this program can open the door to financial incentives, technical support and strengthen partnerships with retailers.

Benefits of the Pork Cares Farm Impact Report - Identify Efficiencies and Opportunities: Get a snapshot of your on-farm practices in a concise, clear report.

- Strengthen Your Business & Reputation: Your custom, professional report will enhance your operation’s image with packer and partners for future success.

- Increase ROI: Professional technicians will provide analysis of your data and work with you to identify practices that will help reduce operating costs and drive ROI.

- Proactivity: Demonstrate our industry’s sustainability commitment with verified metrics and prove how we take care of people, pigs and the planet.

Getting Started Ready to take the first step? Get started in 30 seconds. Scan the QR code displayed on the video or visit and complete the form.

Takeaway Your custom, professional report will enhance your pork operation's image with packer and retail partners showing your hard work and your readiness to do more with the right resources.



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