Swine Genetics
Dr. Antonio Velarde: Measuring Animal Welfare
In this episode of The Swine it Podcast Show Canada, Dr.. More
Katerina Kolemishevska & Alexandria Shannon: The Funding Portal
I’m Dr. Miranda Smit, and this is my first episode as c..
Dr. Panagiotis Tassis: Mycotoxins in Swine Feed
In this episode of The Swine It Podcast Show Canada, Dr..
Ontario pig farmer says he's trying to adapt to a 'very uncertain time'
Stewart Skinner, an organic pig farmer in Perth County,..
2025 Swine Web Hall of Fame Induction: Tommy Herring's Legacy of Leadership and Innovation
Join us in celebrating Tommy Herring’s induction into t..
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Designed Genetics is North America's largest Purebred Duroc Breeder. We have made a strong commitment to continued research and development work in swine genetics. Our projects are directed towards improving efficiency, meeting more stringent consumer demands on pork quality, achieving faster and more diverse genetic change in our swine populations, and ensuring our position at the forefront of swine genetic improvement. The continued development and improvement of our genetics has been the major factor in DGI's acceptance in the global business of swine breeding. www.designedgenetics.com
Hermitage NGT invites you to visit our website to see the latest information on the Hyperprolific and Hylean lines. We offer a variety of systems to allow you to customize the introduction and maintenance of these outstanding genetics into your system. Hermitage breed programs combine the most modern animal breeding and selection techniques with expert stockmanship.www.hermitagengt.com or www.hermitage.ie
Hypor is one of the world's leading suppliers of swine genetics. Strategically located breeding centres supply local producers with superior genetics. Hypor's utilizes global expertise to deliver locally adapted products and services.www.hypor.com ~ GET THE EDGE... Subscribe to the Hypor newsletter by clicking here.
Newsham Choice Genetics Please click this link to learn more about how our superior performing products, our high health production system, our innovative gene-delivery programs, and how our outstanding service can help Map Your Success.www.newsham.com
PIC is the global market leader for improved pig breeding stock. PIC aims to make pork production more profitable for its producer customers, provide better meat for processors and packers while providing the quality, taste and safety in pork that consumers demand. www.pic.com
Swine Genetics Resources / Solutions
Sponsored Links:Best Yield Soybeans,Feed Efficiency,Hog Handling,Precision Farming,Swine Reproduction Software,