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Canadian hog farmers take precautions against PED viru

Canadian hog farmers take precautions against PED virus

By Amanda Brodhagen,

Canadian pork producers are gathering information about how best to keep the U.S. outbreak of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) virus out of Canada.  The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) along with the Canadian Swine Health Board (CSGB) called a national teleconference with over 115 people to obtain information on its spread in the U.S.

The PED virus has economic impacts on the hog industry due to the high mortality rate in pigs. The source of the disease and its spread is being investigated. It’s not yet known if the virus came to the U.S. from Asian or Europe. The first case was identified on May 16.

Jean-Guy Vincent, CPC President said that the industry must work together to prevent this threat. The teleconference provided an opportunity for the industry to understand the PED threat and discuss preventative measures. The teleconference included a variety of stakeholders, such as veterinarians, genetics experts, processors, animal health representatives, researchers and government officials.

Hog producers are asked to take extra vigilance when enforcing on-farm biosecurity especially ensuring trucks returning from the U.S. are disinfected properly. Canadians returning from the World Pork Expo in Des Monies, Iowa are asked to ensure they follow protocols to prevent the virus from spreading.

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