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Major Debacle at Queens Park Leads to Second Swearing-in for Premier

Wynne re-sworn in as the Minister of Agriculture and Food [Feb. 14]

By , Farms,com

In an unprecedented gesture to reach out to rural and agricultural communities in Ontario, Kathleen Wynne was not only sworn in as Ontario’s Premier but also as Minister of Agriculture. While Wynne split up the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs portfolio, the “Food” portion was eerily absent in the first swearing-in ceremony. Wynne was sworn in as Premier and Minister of Agriculture on February 11, 2013, while Jeff Leal was sworn in as Minister of Rural Affairs.

A spokesperson from the Minister’s office confirms on Thursday with that Wynne was in fact sworn in a second time to include “Food” which was omitted from the first ceremony. Originally, when this story was first printed was still waiting on confirmation on when the second ceremony had taken place. In an emailed statement on Friday, a spokesperson from Wynne’s office says that Premier Wynne was re-sworn in as the Minister of Agriculture and Food on February 14, 2013.

“Premier Wynne recognizes the importance of the food sector to Ontario's economy as one of the largest and most competitive food clusters in North America.  With annual manufacturing revenues of more than $34 billion, Ontario is the largest food processing province in Canada.”

At the swearing in ceremony held on Feb. 11th Wynne clearly stated “I Kathleen O’Day Wynne swear that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my skill and knowledge execute the powers and trusts reposed in me as Premier and president of the council and Minister of Agriculture of the province of Ontario, so help me god.”

The “Food” portion of the portfolio was added in a formal swearing-in ceremony on Feb. 14, 2013. Kathleen Wynne shall be recognized as Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food.


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