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Only 2% of 2013 U.S. Corn Planted

USDA Report Shows 2013 Corn Planting Well Behind 2012 Pace

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The most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) report shows corn planting is far behind 2012 numbers. Only 2% of 2013’s corn has been planted across 18 states, which represented 92% of the 2012 corn acreage.

This time last year roughly 16% of the corn acreage had been planted. Corn planting has been delayed due to cool soil temperatures. In 2012, Illinois had 38% of its corn planted and the most recent report says that only 1% has been planted this year. Prior to the USDA report, it was projected to be an optimistic outlook regarding 2013 planting.

The report notes that many of the leading corn-growing states have not yet begum planting. Following the report, the National Corn Growers Association said that the slow planting progress isn’t a cause for alarm, especially this early in the season. The association says that the slight delay could still mean a good group for this year.

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