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Showcasing Agriculture Charities This Holiday Season Encourages You to Share What Ag Charities Are Important to You

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At we know that those who work in agriculture are a generous group of people.  Perhaps it’s because when you make a living that is dependent on Mother Nature’s cooperation, you recognize the importance of community combined with hard work. 

During this holiday season, would like to recognize the importance of both agriculture and charities. So we want your input. What agriculture and farming charities do you support? We will try to feature a different farming-related charity each day as we countdown to the holidays. 

If you know of a charity organization that you think should be featured as part of this series, please contact Denise Faguy - send email to, with the subject line Charities. Please share with us what this charity does and why you support the charity.  All we ask is that it be related somehow to agriculture. 

It doesn’t matter if the charity has a small local scope, or is international. The purpose of this series is to bring exposure to agriculture charities that are making a difference.

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