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Skill shortage alert in U.S. Agri-Food sector, study shows

By's recent survey casts a spotlight on the skill gaps that challenge the U.S. agri-food industry's growth. The research underscores an urgent need for skills such as problem-solving, organization, and teamwork, pinpointing these as areas where current and aspiring employees fall short.

This gap is most pronounced among new graduates, with a mere 18% possessing the necessary work-ready skills upon entering the job market, a stark contrast to the 76% readiness rate of experienced professionals. This indicates a crucial area of focus for educational institutions and training programs aiming to prepare individuals for this dynamic sector.

The survey also dives into specific knowledge areas such as sustainability, data science, and food science, with agronomy and precision agriculture emerging as fields requiring immediate attention due to their significant knowledge gaps.

With these insights, aims to foster a well-equipped workforce that can meet the evolving demands of the agriculture and food industries. The full survey report, available for free download, serves as a vital tool for educators, employers, and policy makers dedicated to closing these gaps and propelling the sector forward.

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