329 App Listing(s) found for

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Developed by : Croptimistic Technology Inc.
Countries : Canada
The Crop Records app is a record keeping solution to manage employees and the progress of fieldwork. Use the Crop Records app...

Armor Seed

Developed by : Armor Seed, LLC
Countries : Canada,US
The app has all the information needed for Armor Seeds. Features include current seed information, market prices, local weather, helpful calculators, and...

Smartirrigation Turf

Developed by : AgroClimate
Countries : Canada,US
This irrigation app is designed to help urban turf irrigators in Florida and Georgia with irrigation schedule and recommendations based on weather...

Farms.com Markets

Developed by : Farms.com
Countries : Canada,US
The Farms.com Markets app has the latest agricultural commodity prices. The Farms.com Markets app has up to date quotes, futures contracts, charts,...

Kingshay Dairy Specialists

Developed by : Kingshay Farming and Conservation Limited
Countries : Canada,US
A herd management app helping dairy farmers with milk production, calving patterns, vaccinations, health and industry calculations. It is easy to visualize...

Western Equipment

Developed by : Western Equipment Inc.
Countries : Canada,US
Western Equipment LLC. has been in operation since 1916 as a John Deere dealership and has grown to have locations throughout Texas...

Yara ImageIT

Developed by : Yara International
Countries : Canada,US
The Yara ImageIT app by Yara International will allow a user to measure and track nitrogen updates in a crop and generate...

Aerial Sprays

Developed by : United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service
Countries : Canada,US
The Aerial Sprays app is developed by The Aerial Application Technology team, which is a research group within the United States Department...

DeLaval FMC App

Developed by : LUDA
Countries : Canada,US
DeLaval has created an app that allows dairy farmers to view their cattle from anywhere using a cam. In order to use...

Ground Spray

Developed by : Universtiy of Nebraska-Lincoln
Countries : Canada,US
The creators of the Ground Spray application are dedicated to investigating ways to effectively apply pesticides, with an emphasis in efficacy and...
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