Video: FOUR John Deere X9 Combines Harvesting - DAY/NIGHT Harvest
Four John Deere X9 1000 combines harvesting pinto beans.
— 630 maximum engine horsepower from JD PowerTech PWS 13.6 L
— 4.6 bushel per second peak unload rate
— 420-bushel power folding grain tank
— 11.5' rotor length
In comparison to John Deere's S790, the X9 1000 increases harvesting capacity in the following crops:
— Tough wheat: 34% increase
— Canola: 35% increase
— High-moisture corn: 30% increase
— Soybeans: 30% increase
The X Series also outperforms S series models in the following areas:
— 23% wider feederhouse
— 45% increase in threshing area
— 80% increase in separator area
— 36% larger cleaning shoe
— 23% wider residue system