Join us to hear Jolene Brown, renowned farmer, author and agriculture champion. Sponsored by The Royal Bank of Canada.
Monday March 6th and Tuesday March 7th, 2017
Hyatt Regency Calgary
Reservations at the conference rate can be made online by
clicking here or call 1-800-233-1234 and mention that you are attending the Advancing Women Conference.
Transportation to AWC:
If you will be joining us from Saskatchewan you can book a seat on the SK Women in Ag bus. For more information visit our website or email
Are you a producer or processor in Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Ontario?
If yes, you may be eligible to receive all or a portion of your registration fee reimbursed. For further details visit our website at
Apply today for the AWC Student Sponsorship Program:
If you are enrolled in an undergraduate agriculture studies program at a Canadian university or college you can apply to have your registration fee and accommodations sponsored. Contact us at for more information.
Is your organization involved yet? There is still time to be either a conference sponsor or to sponsor a student to attend! Contact us at (403)686-8407