USDA’s NASS South Dakota Field Office reported corn condition is rated at 75% good to excellent in South Dakota and 5% in the poor to very poor. The U.S. corn condition dropped 3 points in the good to excellent at 63% and rose 2 points in the poor to very poor condition to 11% compared to 45% for 2012. The soybean condition dropped one point for the week with 64% at good to excellent.

The U.S. corn crop is 43% at silking stage well behind the 5 year average of 56%. The five year average for the key states of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, and South Dakota are 71, 54, 46, 64, and 23 percent respectively. As of July 21st Illinois was at 64% and Nebraska reported 50%. Iowa and Minnesota were at 18% and 19% while South Dakota moved ahead of its five year average and finished the week at 32% in the silking stage. Silking is the most critical period in corn development for any type of stress to occur. Moisture and heat stress during silking may cause the greatest potential yield reduction, resulting in barren ears or poor kernel set. This makes the weather key the next few weeks.

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