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SSGA Welcomes Enhancements to Saskatchewan Crop Insurance

Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced enhancements to the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Program. The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association is pleased that the government has heard the voice of stock growers and has responded with these enhancements to their risk management programs.
“Despite these tight budgetary times, they have addressed the needs of cattle producers in the Province of Saskatchewan. These efforts show just how much they value our industry,” stated SSGA President Shane Jahnke
Two changes stand out for beef producers. The government will be making wildfire insurance available for tame and native pasture in 2018. The wildfire insurance will be bundled with the existing forage rainfall insurance. The wildfire insurance will run year-round from April 1 to March 31 for a one-year coverage period. The forage rainfall coverage runs from April to July.Coverage rates are variable depending on soil zones.
“We appreciate that the government is trying to make forage coverage for fire loss more
consistent with other types of crops,” the SSGA president added.
“The wildfires last fall caused tremendous damage to pastures,” said Jahnke. “At the same time,in the aftermath we identified a gap in insurance coverage and these changes help close the gap.”
Another change that is important to livestock producers is the announced enhancements to the Predation Program. In 2018 there will be a change in the way the minimum value paid for a lost calf is calculated. Previously, the coverage paid $600 per calf until it reached market weight.The changes will use the market price in the fall to set the minimum calf value. The average of the forward price in September will be calculated using weekly average market values in February.
“The SSGA has been urging the government to revise the SCIC Predation Program to
compensate producers for animals lost as a result of predation at current market value.
Previous coverage was inadequate to cover losses. So, this comes as very welcome news to producers,” Jahnke noted.
The enhancements related to forage – the forage rainfall insurance and forage restoration benefit, and the corn heat unit program – are of importance to beef producers. Forage rainfall insurance allows ranchers to tailor coverage with their grazing system. “This is a key change to coverage in light of the drought conditions that we experienced last summer in southern  Saskatchewan,” Jahnke stated. The forage restoration benefit provides coverage for excess moisture damage from prolonged flooding in established hay.
The corn heat unit program will be available at 131 weather stations province-wide. For 2018,the corn heat unit will vary across weather stations. In addition, a change was also made to how heat units will be calculated. The government recognized that there can be a lot of physiological damage at minus 1, therefore, coverage would trigger when the temperature is minus 1 C.
“With the increasing acres of corn being grown across Saskatchewan for silage and grazing,this puts corn on a level playing field with all other crops,” Jahnke commented.
“All of these enhancements will make it easier for Saskatchewan’s stock growers to better manage their risk,” the SSGA president stated.
Source : Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association

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