Precision Agriculture Conference 2015The 2015 Precision Agriculture Conference planning committee has developed a follow up theme of "Practical Pathways to Drive Real Results" for this year's event. There will be a focus on expert speakers presenting real case studies from farmers, agronomists, researchers and technology companies, where real results have been measured practically, applying precision agriculture technologies and processes. Networking and knowledge sharing will be fostered between farmers and Precision Agriculture Technology providers, who will be in attendance during the trade show and there will be a series of in-depth Breakout session presentations. Tradeshow & Networking The conference will have in attendance a large number of Precision Agriculture specialists and experts that can answer questions or provide demonstrations of the wide array of technologies available. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from farmers and the specialists. Speaker Roster
Speaker biographies are viewable by selecting individual speaker names. Any available articles, videos, or presentations from the 2015 Precision Agriculture Conference will also be displayed. Ben Arteman | Practical Agronomy Researcher, Beck's Hybrids, Kempton, IL | Steve Denys | Farmer, Vice President, Pride Seeds | Nicole Rabe | Land Resource Specialist, OMAFRA | Doug Aspinall | Senior Soil Scientist, OMAFRA | Steve Redmond | Precision Agriculture Specialist, Hensall District Co-operative | Mike Wilson | Precision Agriculture Specialist, Thompsons Limited | Chris Creek | Region Manager, Precision Planting, Bellwood, PA | Paul Raymer | Owner, Precision Ag Specialist/SoilOptix Developer, Practical Precision | Barry Raymer | Owner, Practical Precision | Aaron Breimer | Precision Ag Specialist, Veritas Farm Management Inc | Rob Boyes | Integrated Solutions Manager, Huron Tractor | Ian Nichols | Business Manager, Weather Innovations | Tim Little | Precision Agriculture, Growmark, Caledonia, NY | Stewart Baillie | Chairman, Unmanned Systems Canada, Ottawa, ON | Darryl Lacey | Precision Farming Specialist, Delta Power Equipment, CASE IH | Lisa Prassack | Agri Food Innovation Expert & Data Strategy Consultant, Denver, CO | Mike Duncan | NSERC Industrial Research Chair In Precision Agriculture & Environmental Technologies, Niagara College Canada | Nanette Hamon | Product Specialist, FCC Management Software, Farm Credit Canada | J.P. Gervais | Chief Agricultural Economist, Farm Credit Canada | Aron Gampel | Vice President & Deputy Chief Economist, Scotiabank | Felix Weber | President, AgBusiness & Crop Inc. | Rachel Faust | Techical Marketing Manager, DuPont Pioneer | Dan Rooney | Manager, Trimble Agriculture | Andrew Elgersma | Grower Services Manager, BASF | Trevor McCormick | Business Solutions Manager, Affinity Management Ltd | David Scott | Senior Account Manager, US & Eastern Canada, GEOSYS | Steve Reynolds | Solutions Specialist, John Deere | Kaye McLagan | Data Coordinator, Premier Equipment | Derek Freitag | Canada Technology Development Lead, Monsanto | Dan Wright | Canada Trait Launch Lead, Monsanto | Tim Marquis | Weather Decision Technologies Inc. | Jason Robinson | Farmer | Tyler Vollmershausen | Vollmershausen Farms Ltd. | Ryan Marshall | Farmer |
Presentation Topics Opening Session: Pathway to Precision Ag Profits - Moving Forward Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30pm | Making Precision Agriculture Work. Steve Redmond, Precision Agriculture Specialist, Hensall District Co-operative | What are the Key Elements Needed to Take Advantage of the Technology’s potential? Steve will provide an overview for farmers on how to prepare to use the tools available and present some of the HDC precision agriculture results. | Satellites in Agriculture - Past, Present and Future. David Scott, Senior Account Manager, US & Eastern Canada, GEOSYS | This presentation will give an overview of both the history & future of satellites in agriculture, and will present the current state of remote sensing world-wide while providing crop management insights into using satellite data. | The Challenges of Getting Started with Precision Agriculture. Steve Denys, Farmer & Vice President Pride Seeds | This presentation will detail some steps to Generating Results and also provide an overview of the AgReliant Seed agronomic Precision Agriculture Research Results and new systems. | Keynote Speaker: Thursday 8:00 - 8:30am | Increasing Yields By Farm Data Collection, Management & Decision Making. Lisa Prassack, Agri Food Innovation Expert & Data Strategy Consultant | When the complex, multilayered data package is available, farmers and their advisors can realize significant improvements in crop production decisions and farm management. In the future, data availability will impact issues such as land rental rates and farmland values. | Agronomy Research and Technology Presentations Thursday 8:30 - 9:30am | Future of Multi-Hybrid Corn Planting And Other Variable Rate Agronomic Research. Ben Arteman, Agronomic Researcher, Beck’s Hybrids, Central Illinois Practical Farm | Multi-hybrid corn planting consists of changing corn hybrids on the fly, based upon yield potential, soil type, or management zones throughout a farm. Ben will illustrate and review Beck’s multi-year summary data as well as how we started with multi-hybrid corn planting and where it may be headed in the future. | Case Study: Agronomics and Farm Machinery – Making It Work Together. Aaron Breimer, Precision Agriculture Specialist, Veritas and Rob Boyes, Integrated Solutions Manager with Huron Tractor. | Aaron and Rob will be presenting a case study detailing their organizations’, a leading farm services provider and a leading John Deere Dealership, experience of working with farmers to integrate Precision Agriculture processes, information and use technology to generate agronomic results. | Agronomy Research and Technology Presentations Thursday 10:00 - 11:00am | Agronomic Data Management & The Value Of Cooperation For Improve Decisions Rachel Faust, Technical Marketing Manager, DuPont Pioneer | There are a number of agronomic data collection, storage and analysis tools available to farmers. Agronomists will provide some insight into how to select software tools and work with your suppliers to increase productivity. | Monsanto's Precision Agriculture Pipeline & Strategy Dan Wright, Canada Trait Launch Lead, Monsanto | High level overview of Monsanto's leadership in this field. It will include a discussion of benefits to growers and how to make a plan to incorporate precision agriculture on the farm. | Technology Updates Dan Rooney, Manager, Trimble Agriculture | Precision Agriculture Technology Update | Lunch Speakers: Thursday 12:30 - 1:30pm | Agriculture Outlook: Looking Ahead at the Key Economic Factors Aron Gampel, Vice President & Deputy Chief Economist, Scotiabank & J.P. Gervais, Chief Agricultural Specialist, Farm Credit Canada | Innovation and Productivity on the Farm. | Closing Session: Farmer Panel: What Is Working and How Did I Do It? Thursday 4:00 - 5:00pm | Ryan Marshall, Tyler Vollmershausen, & Jason Robinson | What We Tried in 2014. Three practical farmer innovators present processes and their results. | Mike Wilson, Precision Agriculture Specialist, Thompsons | Ontario Case Study: What Have We Learned About Precision Agriculture. |
Breakout Session Topics Breakout Sessions Thursday 7:00 - 7:30 am | I Bought The Gadgets, Where’s the Payback? Tim Little, Precision Ag Specialist, Growmark, Caledonia, New York, USA | Thinking Differently to Provide the Ultimate Customer Experience - Tim weaves the 4R Nutrient Approach into the key Precision Ag services that they are providing New York state. | GreenSeeker / Y-Drop User Panel “Experiences from 2014” Barry Raymer, Practical Precision, Steve Redmond, Hensall District Co-operative, Tyler Vollmershausen, & Ryan Marshall | How the Greenseeker technology works and provide insight into how the system performed to target fertilizer in crop to generate higher yields. | Breakout Sessions Thursday 11:00 - 12:00 pm | Software Workshop: BASF - Compass Grower Advanced: Bringing all your data onto one solution Andrew Elgersma, Grower Services Manager & Trevor McCormick, Business Solutions Manager, Affinity Management Ltd. | Bringing all farm data onto one solution is one of today's greatest challenges. Andrew and Trevor will provide an overview of Compass Grower Advanced - a new mobile farm management tool that brings crop, financial and grain marketing management data onto one central solution for more informed decision making and reporting. | Making Connections with MyJohnDeere.com Steve Reynolds, Solutions Specialist, John Deere & Kaye McLagan, Data Coordinator, Premier Eqipment | Steve and Kaye will present an overview of MyJohnDeere.com before leading the group through the big picture of MyJohnDeere.com. Growers will navigate through the web-based software tool from the location of machines in JD Link to sharing variable rate data with their trusted Advisor in the Operations Centre. This interactive workshop will challenge growers to work through real-life scenarios to leverage the information and value MyJohnDeere.com will bring to their farming operation. | Unlocking the Value of Satellite Imagery. Dan Rooney, Manager, Trimble Agriculture | The use of satellite imagery to provide soil, crop and moisture information will be presented and how to use this data to guide decisions and operations. | Maximizing The Value of Yield Monitors and Data Collection. Chris Creek, Precision Planting, Climate Corp, Bellwood, PA, USA | Chris will provide an overview of the power of yield data collected and how to improve agronomic decisions. He will also discuss Problem Solving 2014 Data, Management, Analysis and New Sensors | Weather Innovations: Tools That Can Help Manage Challenges. Ian Nichols, Business Manager with Weather Innovations | Ian Nichols will present and demonstrate the powerful Weather Central website overview with examples of how producers can effectively use Corn Tools, Grow Stage Calculator, BinCAST and SprayCAST to improve performance and timing. | Breakout Sessions Thursday 1:30 - 2:30 pm | Case Study: Ontario Research Update: Developing Management Zones For Your Field. Mike Duncan, NSERC Precision Ag Chair at Niagara College & Nicole Rabe, Land Resource Specialist & Doug Aspinall, Senior Soil Scientist with OMAFRA | Mike will provide an overview of new Ontario Software Systems and the Yield Potential Index to begin building Management ZOnes in your fields. Nicole and Doug will present an overview on developing Management Zones, Integrating Yield, landscape and Soil Information. | UAV Update Panel Presentations: Unmanned Aerial Systems Case Studies. Stewart Baillie, Chairman, Unmanned Systems Canada, Ottawa, ON, Felix Weber, President, AgBusiness & Crop Inc. | Provide an update on the Transport Canada regulatory and legal procedures on how UAVs can be used on the farm. | Unlocking the Value of Satellite Imagery. Dan Rooney, Manager, Trimble Agriculture | The use of satellite imagery to provide soil, crop and moisture information will be presented and how to use this data to guide decisions and operations. | Software Workshop: Farm Credit Canada: Managing Your Farm From Anywhere Nanette Hamon, Product Specialist, FCC Management Software, Farm Credit Canada | Nanette will explain how FCC Management Software and their mobile apps with help producers by saving time and allowing them to better understand their cost of production. | I Bought The Gadgets, Where’s the Payback? Tim Little, Precision Ag Specialist, Growmark, Caledonia, New York, USA | Thinking Differently to Provide the Ultimate Customer Experience - Tim weaves the 4R Nutrient Approach into the key Precision Ag services that they are providing New York state. | Breakout Sessions Thursday 3:00 - 4:00 pm | Practical Lessons and Experiences: Using CASE IH Advanced Farming Systems On Your Farm. Darryl Lacey, Precision Farming Specialist, Delta Power Equipment, CASE IH AFS Specialist | Darryl will provide an overview on the successes and lessons learned integrating the CASE IH AFS on farming operations. | Making Connections with MyJohnDeere.com Steve Reynolds, Solutions Specialist, John Deere & Kaye McLagan, Data Coordinator, Premier Eqipment | Steve and Kaye will present an overview of MyJohnDeere.com before leading the group through the big picture of MyJohnDeere.com. Growers will navigate through the web-based software tool from the location of machines in JD Link to sharing variable rate data with their trusted Advisor in the Operations Centre. This interactive workshop will challenge growers to work through real-life scenarios to leverage the information and value MyJohnDeere.com will bring to their farming operation. | SoilOptix – High Resolution Soil mapping for VRA Barry & Paul Raymer, Practical Precision | Paul & Barry Raymer will explain how the SoilOptix technology works and provide some field data from 2014 demonstrating the high resolution soil parameter information that is captured and mapped. | Weather. Big Data. Making a Difference in Precision Farming Tim Marquis, Weather Decision Technologies Inc. | The main daily topic of conversation for a farmer is about the weather. Many have resolved that the weather is unpredictable, citing the local forecaster from their nightly news as always being wrong for their field. What many don’t realize is how accurate and precise weather data has become, down to a 250 yard scale. Understanding what weather events have impacted fields in past season can help farmers react quicker to changing weather conditions with their prescriptions allowing for good yields even in tough growing seasons. WDT has pioneered increasing the resolution of our weather data globally especially in the realm of precipitation data. At WDT we provide the entire solution from historical weather data on your field to forecasts going out 60 days to provide guidance on drought conditions especially. I will provide an overview of WDT’s global weather data and how we integrate into precision farming applications. | DEKALB Agronomic Research Results Derek Freitag, Canada Technology Development Lead, Monsanto | Derek will present the results from the DEKALB planting trials and will discuss the affects on maturity, canopy cover, yields, moisture, nitrogen trials, tillage trials, as well as plans to develop additional trials to provide information to growers to help them make decisions for their farm. |
The Precision Agriculture Conference will take place following the Innovative Farmers Association of Ontario (IFAO) Conference.
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