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RegistrationScheduleSpeakersExhibitorsHotel/Travel Precision Agriculture Conference

& Ag Tech Show Call for Speakers

Join us at the 2016 Canadian International Precision Agriculture Conference Feb. 2-3 at the Best Western Lamplighter Inn, London ON.

Our conference, tradeshow and networking event is designed for agri-business, farm retailers and farmers interest in how precision agriculture will increase the productivity and bottom line of farming. is seeking precision agriculture expert speakers for key note presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions.


Proposals will be accepted for:

Key Note Presentations - Team or individual proposals accepted.  Sessions will run for 30-60 minutes allowing for more in-depth presentation and Q&A. 


Panels - Panel discussions will be considered.  They may be organized and submitted as a group by a panel coordinator, or an individual may submit their particular viewpoint to become part of a panel.

Breakout/Workshop Session Presentations: Team or individual proposals will be accepted. Sessions will run 20-30 minutes, allowing for Q& A

Presentation Rules:

Content – The Conference seeks to educate its audience and not promote any specific products.  Exhibit space is available for all promotional activity.  Presentation selections will be made based upon desired topics, flow of content, educational value and understanding of the content. 


Agenda Schedule – The conference organizers will set the day and time for each presentation, in order to optimize the sequencing and flow of content. Sessions will end by 4:00 pm each day. will notify all selected speakers by January 15th, 2016.


Who Attends?

• Farmers
• Farm Retailers
• Agribusiness

Speaker Benefits:

All speakers will receive the following: a complimentary pass to the Conference with access to the keynote session, all sessions, panels, and tradeshow. Speakers will be featured on the Precision Agricultural website The above benefits do not extend to support staff or colleagues who may accompany the speaker.

Suggested Presentation Topics

• Software
• Research
• Practical Lessons & Experience
• Satellite Imagery
• Soil Mapping
• Data Collection

Proposal Information requires the following information be included in your proposal

• Presentation title
• Overview of the presentation: main idea, subtopics, conclusion
• Speaker (s): expertise and summary biography

Please submit proposals to by November 30th, 2015.  Late submissions or incomplete submissions will not be considered. will select speakers by December 20th, 2015, and notify by December 30th, 2015


Questions, concerns or comments should be directed to

The reserves the right to decline a submission for presentation at the Precision Agriculture Conference Information regarding exhibit space will be available at


Conference Sponsored by:

A & L Laboratories Logo logoFCC logoHensall District Co-operative logo
PlanetLab LogoPride Seeds logo
Premier Equipment Logo