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Precision Agriculture Conference Detailed Agenda 


 Wednesday, Februray 26, 2014
 3:00pm - 8:00pm 

Precision Agriculture Conference Registration Desk Open

  Sponsored by Stratforf Agri Analysis & Grain Farmers of Ontario 
 4:00pm - 5:00pmPrecision Agriculture Tradeshow OpenAtrium / Regency

Sponsored by Aeryon Labs - A leading UAS technology provider

(Cash Bar & Appetizers )

 5:00pm - 6:30pm Conference Opening Session – What is the Potential of Precision Agriculture?
  Sponsored by DuPont Pioneer  

An overview presentation which highlights the major technologies and trends that will influence how crops will be produced in the near future.  This session will help prepare a vision for how farmers and agribusiness can quickly and productively adopt proven new IT systems to generate greater profits per acre.  Precision Agriculture Specialists will briefly spotlight a number of new technologies, products and services that have been recognized to have significant potential to improve agriculture productivity.


Speakers:Steve Redmond, Precision Ag Specialist, Hensall District Co-opertive 
 Ken Nixon, Innovative Farmer
 Joe Dales, 


  • How do we get there?  Integration between all of the IT systems, data and agronomy.
  • Communications and Education:  Innovation and on-farm practical Research & Development.
  • How do we prove the Value to the Farmer $/Acre (Profit Maps)
  • Introduction of the Precision Agriculture Specialists attending the Conference


Topic Overview Precision Agriculture: It is all about the DATA.  Why collecting, managing and applying the Big Data is important to generating results.Karon Cowan, AgTech GIS
 How Variable Rate Fertility and Populations Can Increase Maximum Economic Yields.  Derek Freitag, Monsanto Dekalb
 New Innovations: UnManned Aerial Vehicles & How They Can Be Used in Agriculture Ian McDonald, Aeryon Labs
 The Power of Crop Scouting from Above with UAVs - Using Images To Achieve Higher YieldsLia Reich, Precision Hawk 
 What Can We See?  Watching Crops From Space.  Leander Campbell, Agriculture Canada 
 6:30pm - 8:00pmNetworking Atrium / Regency 
  Conference participants can continue networking, the cash bar will be open during this time.

There will be no dinner served during the conference, participants may make their own plans for  food at the hotel restaurant or local restaurants

 Thursday February 27, 2014
 7:00am - 10:00amRegistration Desk Open  Regency Ballroom 
  Sponsored by Stratforf Agri Analysis & Grain Farmers of Ontario 
 7:00am-8:30amBreakfast / Networking Regency Ballroom 
  Sponsored by: Monstano DeKalb 
 7:30am-7:45amBreakout Session: SoilOptix: High Resolution Topsoil Mapping SystemChelsea 1 Barry Raymer, Practical Precision
  Breakout Session: FieldScripts – Prescriptive Planting Tool: 2013 Results with Variable Rate Corn Planting in the USChelsea 2Derek Freitag, Monsanto DeKalb
  Breakout Session: Variable Rate Nitrogen Application: 2013 Field Experience with Trimbles GreenSeeker CanterburyPaul Raymer, Practical Precision
  Breakout Session: John Deere – Agricultural Management SystemsOak RoomJoe Riedl & Jim Bright, Podlindky Farm Equipment, Rob Boyes, Hurson Tractor 
 8:30am - 9:00-amOpening Session PresentationsRegency 
  Sponsored By: Aeryon Labs  
 The Vision & Potential of Precision AgricultreSteve Redmond, Precision Agriculture Specialist, Hensall Distric Co-operative & Ken Nixon, Innovative Farmer

Steve and Ken will provide an overview of the day’s agenda and challenge the group to network, share ideas and concerns and encourage practical plans for spring 2014 which will prove out technologies and increase the rate of adoption of Precision Agriculture.

 Preicsion Agriculture: It is all About the DATAKaron Cowan, AgTech GIS

Big Data is the term for the large amount of information that can be generated on the farm.  The data being compiled in real time can provide producers with a clearer, more comprehensive picture of all facets of farming, whether this happens to be soil science, seeding rates, fertilizer optimization or weed and pest control.  This growing body of data can help free producers of much of the day-to-day guesswork associated with farming.


 9:00am - 10:00amFarm Machinery Update on Precision Agriculture Technology

Precision Agriculture Specialists from John Deere, Case IH and AGCO will provide presentations on what is new from the major equipment companies. 


AGCO Precision Agriculture Strategy and FutureJaap Kroondijk, Precision Specialist,AGCO Connect Equipment. & Vincent Audet, Product Specialist AGCO
CASE IH Precision Agriculture OverviewShawn Redick, Precision Specialist, CASE IH &Darryl  Lacey, Precision Farming Specialist, Delta Power Equipment
John Deere Precision Agriculture UpdateJoe Riedl, Podlinsky Farm Equipment 


 10:00am-10:30amCoffee Break - Expo & Networking 
  Conference attendees are encouraged to visit the exhibitors and continue the information sharing
 10:30am-12:00pmPrecision Agriculture Players:  Agronomy and Software Services

Experts from the leading Life Science companies will discuss the potential of agronomic software/data management products and services.    Speakers will provide overviews on some of the new agronomic products and being developed to help farmers produce greater crop profits:

 Overivew of  Winfield Solutions’s R7 Morgan Seger, Ohio R7 Specialist, Winfield
 Update on DuPont Pioneer’s Field 360 servicesRachel Faust, DuPont Pioneer
 Overview of Monsanto’s Integrated Farming SystemsDerek  Freitag,  Monsanto Dekalb

Within a single field, there is an enormous amount of variability in yield. A lot of factors influence yield including the genetics of the plant, the density and precision with which the seeds were planted, elevation, water availability, localized disease pressures and nutrient availability.  In order to maximize yield within all of the micro-environments, you need to develop customized prescriptions for seed and other inputs that capitalize on the latest technologies and newest understanding about crop performance. 

 PRIDE SEEDS - Corn Breeding/Research to Support Variable Populations & Multi-Hybrid SystemsSteve, Denys, PRIDE SEEDS & Noah Freeman,  AgReliant Genetics
 12:00pm-12:45pmLunch - Expo & Networking Regency/Chelsea 1 & 2
  Sponsored By: BASF 
 12:45pm-1:00pmIntroduction of Afternoon Sessions & Process Steve Redmond, Hensall District Co-operative
 1:00pm-2:00pmThe Agronomist/Farmer and New Crop Scouting Technologies to Improve Yields
  Sponsored by: Farm Credit Canada 

This session will highlight a range of new technologies such as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) that can scout crops from above to detect problems.  Integrating different Precision Agriculture technologies hardware, software and agronomy will be presented to highlight how crop production gains can be realized.


UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)  – What are they?  What is their potential in agriculture, today and in the futureCameron Waite, Aeryon Labs
Make Farm Management a Mobile ExperienceMatthew Van Dijk, Farm Credit Canada Management Software

Mobile record-keeping can save you time and money on the farm. Update and keep detailed records from anywhere with your phone or tablet using FM PRO Mobile and AgExpert Mobile. With FM PRO Mobile you’ll learn how to make the most of GPS navigation, mapping, scouting, mobile data entry, and operation and inventory management. Using AgExpert Mobile will allow you to capture your income and expense transactions in real-time along with photos of your receipts, ensuring your financial records are up to date using your smartphone. 

Applying information obtained from above the crop.  What can Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) do to help produce higher yields?   Ernie Earon, Precisoin Hawk
 2:00pm-4:00pmPrecision Agriculture Break Out Speaker Sessions

Participants will have the choice to attend a number of smaller breakout sessions on more specific topics, products and services.  There will be fifteen breakout sessions in four rooms for people to select speakers they want to see.

 2:00pm-2:25pmBreakout Session: UAV Permitting in 2014 – Transport Canada Update RegencyStewart Baille, Unmanned Air Systems Canada
  Breakout Session: What is New from Precision Planting 20:20 Seed MonitorsChelsea 1 Tom Synder, Grand River Planters
  Breakout Session: FieldScripts – Prescriptive Planting Tool: 2013 Results with Variable Rate Corn Planting in the USChelsea 2Derek Freitag, Monsanto DeKalb
  Breakout Session: Agriculture Canada’s Operational Satellite Space Based Crop Monitoring Imagery & UsesCanterburyLeander Campbell, Agriculture Canada
  Breakout Session: John Deere – Agricultural Management SystemsOak RoomJoe Riedl & Jim Bright, Podlindky Farm Equipment, Rob Boyes, Huron Tractor
 2:30pm-2:55pmBreakout Session: Images and Experience from 2013 UAV Flights in ONRegencyFelix Weber, AgBusiness & Crop, Dale Cowan,  AGRIS & Wanstead Coops, Danny Jefferies, Hensall District Co-operative


  Breakout Session: SoilOptix: High Resolution Topsoil Mapping SystemChelsey 1Barry Raymer, Practical Precision
  Breakout Session: R7 Tool – A Comprehensive Precision Farming SolutionChelsey 2Morgan Seger, Winfield Solutions
  Breakout Session: Corn Breeding to Support Variable Rate Corn PlantingCanterburyNoah Freeman, AgReliant Genetics
  Breakout Session: Case IH – Advance Farming SystemsOak RoomDarryl Lacey & Shawn Redick, Delta Power
 3:00pm-3:25pmCoffee Break Regency 
 3:30pm-4:00pmBreakout Session: How to Use a UAV to Increase YieldsRegencyErnie Earon, Precision Hawk
  Breakout Session: Variable Rate Nitrogen Application: 2013 Field Experience with Trimbles GreenSeekerChelsea 1Paul Raymer, Practical Precision
  Breakout Session: Thompson’s 2012-2013 Field SuccessChelsa 2Mike Wilson & Chris Hunt, Thompsons Advance Agronomy Services
  Breakout Session: AGCO – FUSE Technologies for Precision AgOak RoomJaap Kroondijk, AGCO Connect Equipment
 4:00pm-4:30pmClosing Session: Where are We Now & How Do We Make Precision Ag Work? 

 In this session we get snap shot of how some farmers and precision agriculture dealers are practically adopting and proving products and services?  Innovative Farmer Ken Nixon will challenge the precision agriculture industry and farmers to work together to quickly and effectively. 

  Profit Maps - Field Success Mike Wilson, Thompson Advance Agronomy Servies
  Use of SoilOptix Tecnology on the Farm & How It Can Be Used in Precision Agricutlure Ryan Marshall, Precision Farmer, Milton ON
  Going Beyond Driving Straight " A Farmer Perspective"Rick Willemse, Precision Farmer Parkhill ON
  Variable Rate Nitrogen on Corn Study Based on Topographic ZonesNicole Rabe, OMAF & Mike Strang, Precision Farmer, Exter ON
 4:30pm-4:50pm Question Period for Panel Memebers Ken Nixion, Innovative Farmers, Steve Redmond, Hensall District Co-operative
 5:00pmConference Closes 



Some of the presentations will be recorded and presented on the Precision Agriculture website soon after the conference.