Ag Buyer’s Guide | March 2025

124 Ontario | March 2025 CASE SO, for parts, complete tractor, mid 50’s, could be restored. 519-6703745. 1950 FORD 8N TRACTOR, no rust, good working cond, new carb, trans fulid & water pump, new battery & cushion seat, asking $2800. 519-6331711. JD 1010 BULLDOZER, c/w 8’ manual angle blade, tin in good cond, would make a great project machine or parts machine, needs engine block, $900. Pics avail. 613-978-0512. JD VAN BRUNT SEED DRILL, w/ grass seed box. Waterloo threshing machine. MF sickle bar mower. 519-638-2236. PORTLAND CUTTER, decent shape, made in St Jacobs by Sauder. 519-4410944. 1972 JAVELIN MIXED PARTS, for sale. 519-245-3628. GAS TANK & 2 FRONT WHEELS, for a Ford 8N tractor. 519-347-2451. LOW WOOD BOX STOVE, 2 Quebec heater stoves, in pieces, have some fire brick for above, all parts, asking $65/all. Dorchester. 519-268-3867. 2- SCUFFLERS, 4R, for 1950’s JD row crop tractors, $100ea, OBO. 519-6440961. ANTIQUE TRACTORS, 1953 Farmall Super A, 1954 Farmall Super C, all in running order. No text please. 519-7495727. OLD BARN FINDS, metal candle moulds, $150, 80 hubcaps, $500, wanted Hyslop bicycle, 8’ rotary mower, $3500, steel welding stock, angle iron, ford flathead items, vintage metal gas containers, new rear glass for BMW and Mercedes, Mercedes rim, new Volvo car rotors, 24 vintage English cups and saucers, 1000 wood & iron golf clubs, $2000, tv antenna & 30’ tower, $190, 20” Boss alloy rims, $1900, 2 Titan hi-traction lug tractor tires, 9.5-20R-16, used, $450, aluminum door, $175, aluminum sink, $25, 1967 Ford parts,1974 Torino hitch, 1949 mercury parts, 1000 new wiper blades in packaging, $500. 905776-1431. OLD TELEPHONES & PARTS, insulators, old railroad lanterns & old gas can. Call or text 519-817-7608. ANTIQUE PLATE GRINDER, belt drive, good cond. 613-489-3817 or 613-8753814. 1963 MERCURY MONTEREY, 4 door, w/ sliding rear window, 390 cubic inch eng, runs well, $9000. OBO. Markdale. 519-986-4715. MH HAY LOADER, good working cond, some spare parts, $300. 905-382-2927. 1963 OLIVER 550, w/ loader, 4 cyl gas, good tires, not running, no spark, good clean machine, $2500. 705-644-0936. FORD YT 14, lrg frame, 2 spd hydro, PS, w/ 3 blade mower, has frame attach for backhoe, $800. 705-644-0936. COCKSHUTT #17A WALKING PLOW, 1 furrow, $100. 905-382-2927. CASE 430, w/ loader, needs clutch. 519-347-2281. BARN JACKS, radios, milk cans, 1940 Plymouth, 7’ restored iron & oak seating bench, 50’s gas pump. 519-6440961. OLD CALSA SPRAYER, pull type, single wheels, fiberglass tank, $95. 519-8821536. CHRYSLER & IMPERIAL MANUALS, 1960 Chrysler car parts manual, 1960 Chrysler Imperial brochure, 1962 Chrysler parts manual, 1965-66 Chrysler manual body sections, 1967-68 Chrysler Imperial service manual, 1975 Imperial specs & 1975 Chrysler specs, 1975 chassis manual & 1975 Chrysler body service manual, assorted brochures & specs. Wanting to sell all together! 519-882-1536. ASSORTMENT OF ANTIQUE TRUNKS, all in exc shape, some hump back & some flat. 519-458-8756. 4-56 METEOR NIAGARA DOORS, nice, good quality doors. 905-836-1839. HAY MOWER, discs, riding plows and more. 519-321-1838. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G1000, for sale. 519-402-0616. HACKSAWS, power for cutting steel and a post drill. 519-699-5399 or 519357-5497. WANTED: Salvage tractor or parts, for JD BN and AR. 905-715-5767 or 905715-4324. 3-GARDEN TRACTORS, co-op model, turf trac, for parts or fix up. Wheel Horse, for parts or fix up. 519-794-0297. JD 320 UTILITY TRACTOR, gas, runs good, $5000. 613-756-2789. INT SWATHER 163, 10’, w/ INT 123 engine, $500. Mount Forest Area. 519323-2087. 3 - MH 44 TRACTORS, for sale, call for individual pricing. Mount Forest Area. 519-323-2087. WANTED: 1920’s-1960’s tube audio equip, amplifiers, stereos, PA sound equip, Hammond organs. 1-800-9470393 or 905-702-4889. PLATFORM BARN SCALE, HD, 2000lb capacity, on steel wheels, 44” long & 28” wide, $250. Del extra. 519-484-2633. VARIOUS ANTIQUE ITEMS, cross cut saws, steel wheel, 52” diameter, copper boiler. 519-542-9956. FARMALL A OR 140 PARTS, rear wheel parts, 9” x 24” wheels, some lift arm parts & draw bar. 519-955-2920. OLIVER 880 WHEEL WEIGHTS, approx 800lbs, $1/lb. 519-371-0887. WANTED: 430T JD, 2 cyl, no show tractors, small project ok. 905-957-3442. WANTED: Antique cars, from the 1930’s. 519-477-5168. NUFFIELD 1060, 2WD, w/ cab, ideal for bush work, exc running cond, needs brakes setup, $6500. 519-794-0297. JOHN T BURR CO KEYWAY CUTTER, vintage, portable, c/w 1/8” - 1/2” cutters, was orig manually cranked but can be used with elec drill, very old, $1000. 819-647-2122. WANTED: FIREARMS, Lee enfield rifles & other older firearms, as well as parts & accessories. Fair prices paid. Fully licenced (PAL). I’m local. 867-993-3911 or HAY, STRAW, & FIREWOOD CONSIGNMENT Mount Forest Ag Auction, every Wednesday at 10am. Call Orvie, 519338-5267. 2002 GSI TOP DRY GRAIN DRYER, 30’ x 8 ring, w/ auto flo & dble burners. We can irrect it for you. Bacon Crest Elevators. 519-274-1984. No Sunday Calls. AUCTIONS AUCTIONS 1050 BUILDINGS & STORAGE BINS 1110 HEMLOCK LUMBER SALES 2 x 8 — 8 - 16ft 2 x 10 — 8 - 16ft 1 x 6 fence boards 8 - 10 - 16ft lengths SQUARE TIMBER SALES Custom sizes on request. Other lumber species. Call with your needs. Delivery available. Established in 1998. R.R. #1 Harriston, Ontario N0G 120 #6816 Sideroad 4, Wellington North MANUFACTURER OF WOODEN PALLETS & CRATES James Martin - 519-323-9647 BUILDING SUPPLIES 1120