Ag Buyer’s Guide | March 2025 127 March 2025 | Ontario 4 BOUMATIC FLO STAR MILKERS, companion unit, plus fresh cow buckets w/ top, complete, $4000. 705-5638208. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, from high record dams. Service age. Also fresh Holstein cows. Delivery avail. McIntosh Holsteins. Call 519-535-4341. WANTED: Any breed of heifers. 519497-1810. OLD STYLE LEATHER RACE OR DRIVING HARNESS, good cond, $200. Also Jog cart, $400. Orangeville, ON. 519215-0369. SADDLES, English Saddle (Light Brown Leather) 16” EXSELLE, exc cond, $500. English Saddle (Black Leather), 16” exc cond, $350. English Saddle (Brown Leather) 16”, well used, $150. Training Surcingle, $25. Cash Only. 519-9406976. WHIPPLETREE, for 3 horse team, never used, $200. 519-622-1932. HORSE COLLARS, scotch tops, leather chrome show harness, show wagon. 519-845-3813. MISC HORSE ACCESSORIES, assort of Western headstalls, halters, saddle pads and horse blankets, assort of wood, steel neck yokes, whippletrees and singletrees, single draft horse harness, like new, nylon, fits 1 ton horses, single nylon halflinger harness, set of team harness, fits up to 1600lbs, single cob size biothane driving harness and single leather driving harness, all like new, Dakota cutting horse saddle, 16” seat,1 used horse collar, 22”, 2- Scotch top horse collars, 20” & 21”, exc cond. 519-458-8756. TROTTINGBRED STALLION, 4 year old Amigo Hall x Mr Lavec x Dream of Glory, exc conformation! 519-698-0934 Ext.2. SMALL HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH, used as single or double, like new cond. 519458-8756. WESTERN SADDLES, including a Calgary Stampede trophy saddle. 226222-4782. ANVIL BRAND, (hoof trimmer knives), Plus other farrier tools, new. 519-5753459. ANTIQUE ROPING SADDLE, 16” seat, has been upgraded over the years, good solid saddle, $500. 519-785-1905. HORSE ITEMS, Small horse drawn sleigh, 1 seat w/ platform behind. 2 wheeled cart, pony or cob size, 2-horse drawn discs, 12 plate & 16 plate. 519458-8756. CARRIAGE PAIRS HORSE HARNESS, exc cond, leather, complete w/ tan lines, 20” black collars, chrome hames & fittings, $700. 519-449-3504 or 905220-1716. NYLON DELUXE TEAM HARNESS, A-1 shape, like new, lots of chrome, $1200. 905-774-9242. WEB HARNESS, for light drats, adj collars, team lines, like new. 519-786-4372. 2W HORSE ARENA’S, stalls and cattle handling equipment. Ottawa Area. 613-229-9318. BERKSHIRE & TAMWORTH CROSS PIGS, for meat or for breeding. 519638-3207. HOG SLATS, 8’x2’x6”. 519-615-6901. PLASTIC NURSERY BARN SLATS, 2’x2’, also support bars & penning. 519-5800505. CONCRETE PANELS, 2’x40”. 519-6156901. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT, 5 ton, 4 Chore-Time feed bin w/ extended legs, 4 wet/dry pig feeders, 8 SS water cups, 4 galvanized one way gates, Marweld digital pig scales, rechargeable pig prodder, plastic pig penning, SS litter carrier bucket & 150’ of track. 519-3630681. Leave Message. NATURAL RUBBER MATS, 12”/96”W, 13’ 7” L, 1.5”/2.5” thick, ideal for cow mats, milking parlours, horse stalls, horse prep stations & work bench. Lucan & Exeter. 519-878-0083. WHITE HOMING PIGEONS, all ages, for sale. 519-475-4581. EUROPEAN RABBIT CAGES, $5/cage. 519-395-4211. GAME BIRD & POULTRY EQUIP, brooders, debeaker, netting. 1/2” mesh welded wire cage equip. 519-542-9417. 8 ROBERTS GORDON HEATER HEADS, with first pipes (100000 btu), for parts, $800. 519-343-4370. WANTED: Norsol electronics barn ventilation controllers, model WRF 1AB. 519-343-4370. HERITAGE WOODSTOVE, w/ pipes, elbows, two doors; no glass. 519-2274391. DRY MIXED HARDWOOD, 15 to 16”, store bags or cords. Del avail. 519-4287191 or 519-426-2379. FIREWOOD, ideal for smoking. 647296-4038. OIL TANK, dbl walled, 200gal, for a oil furnace, made in Germany. 705-8355901 or 705-229-1704. AUTO MANUALS, motor manuals, “Chilton”, “VW”, etc. Call for more info. 905-857-5605. OPERATORS MANUAL, for JD 8000 series grain drill, $40. 705-799-0848. SET OF CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINES, 100 magazines total, Jan 1983-Jan 2001, $100. Kingsville Area. 519-839-4741. ASSORTMENT OF DRAFT HORSE JOURNALS, for sale. After 6pm. 519786-4372. OPERATOR MANUALS, for McCormick Int 434 & McCormick Farmall 300 tractors. 519-986-2007. NEED SOME WINTER READING MATERIAL? Past issues of Holstein Journal from 1982-1989 and 1994-2003. Some issues from early 1900s, 2004 & 2005. Also a few issues of Canadian Holsteins from early 1990s. Text 519-536-5157. TOP OF THE LINE BREEDING BOER BILLY 8 to choose from, $500. 519-2926881. RIDEAU ARCOTT RAMS & EWE LAMBS, Genovis tested, parasite resistant breeding, high health flock. Breezy Ridge Farms. 905-478-4280. GALLAGER SMART TSI, monitor for data. 519-757-5533. EWE LAMBS, IDF cross or pure ewe lambs. 226-752-7170. SHEEP & LAMBS, for sale. 226-2224782. 1 BOER BILLY GOAT, 1yr old. 519-5952548. BOER BUCKS, of breeding age. 519291-5151. WAYDAMAR SIMMENTAL BULLS, red & black, some w/ blaze face, yearling & 2 yr olds for sale by private treaty. Performance, ultrasound & semen tested. Dave Milliner, Dundalk ON. 519-9239188 or WANTED: 12-15 Hereford cows, prefer w/ calves. Evenings. 905-983-9331. GALLOWAYS, male & females - Blacks, Duns, Red, Belted. After 8pm. 905-6894123. DAIRY CATTLE 1620 HORSE STALLS 10’x10’ & 12’x12’ horse stalls in stock. Custom sizes & welding avail. 519-535-1312. HORSES 1630 EASYGRAZER ANIMAL SHELTERS 5 sizes to suit your needs, easy mo‑ bility, long lasting galvanized frame, durable tarp roof. 226‑622‑7404. POULTRY 1660 SHEEP & GOATS 1670 SWINE 1680 OTHER 1690 MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS BOOKS & MAGAZINES 2010 HEATING & FIREWOOD 2040