128 www.Farms.com/Classifieds Ontario | March 2025 WAG-AERO SPORT TRAINER PLANE, Continental 90, w/ elec start, 250hrs total time, 1500DK floats, Federal skis, $50000 or $58000 w/ floats & skis. 519461-0274. Evenings Only! PLASTIC LAYER, for covering plants/ crops. Pics avail. 705-647-2885. GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE, 4.4 cubic ft, top load, like new. 519-669-3541. LARGE MORTAR INDUSTRIAL MIXER, recently overhauled, great working cond, GX 160 Honda 5.5 engine. Call for price. 519-482-3161. FARM WATER PUMPING WINDMILL, with or without tower. 519-357-3621. LRG QUANTITY OF MUSIC & MOVIES, 1-beta machine, 21 movie records, lrg quanity of music cassettes, lrg quantity of 8 track tapes, lrg quantity of CD’s, movies & music, VHS players & movies includes kids & exercise movies. 519522-1006. DELHI HYD PALLET MOVER, $150. 519-360-0312. GUITARS, 2-electric 2-acoustic. Akai reel to reel tape recorder, plus speakers & amp. 519-927-3484. STATIC PRESSURE CEILING VENTS, 24 avail. 519-615-6901. DUAL QUAD ALUMINUM INTAKE, 1958-1961, GM 373-9653, have both Carter carb, call for info. 519-990-5134. 4-FANS, large, medium & small size, 2 came from a greenhouse, 1-heavy large ceiling fan, 1-small ceiling fan. 2 came from a house, both medium. 905563-7363. AIRCRAFT SKIS, Federal 1500, rigged champ, $1500. Federal 1800, rigging unknown, $1800. 613-375-6657. PLATE GLASS WINDOW PANES, 3’x6’. 519-475-4388. STEEL BARRELS, 45gal, w/ hand pump, used for gasoline. 519-669-3541. 2-FARM FUEL TANKS, 1300L, $400ea. 519-504-1086 APT SIZE MAYTAG WASHER/DRYER, stackable, like new, 28” w, 28” depth and 72” high, $250. 905-336-1146. BRAND NEW KUBOTA MAILBOX, for sale. 519-855-6813. WANTED: Record player, floor model, all the goodies on it. 519-477-5168. REMINGTON KLEANBORE 22 LONG RIFLE, a uto load, model 241, made in 1934, new in box. 519-485-1559. HUSAN SHOTGUN, 12 guage, semi auto, new cond, $450. Leave message. 519-866-3610. 28” SHOT GUN BARREL ONLY, to fit Browning BPS 12 gauge pump action shot gun, matte black finish, 3” chamber, c/w 3 invector plus chokes, brand new in box, $350. 613-347-3091. EXTENSION BASKET, attach to your vehicle trailer hitch, 26”x38”x16” deep, $250. 905-336-1146. HEALTH RC27 RYDER PROFESSIONAL EXERCISE MACHINE, exc cond, $250. 905-336-1146. 2-CIH MODEL TRACTORS, 7140 & quad track, all new in the box. 519-4851559. WOOD PALLETS, 4x8. 519-458-4756. SS SHOWER FRAME, fits over 5’ clawfoot tub, complete w/ curtains. Owen Sound, ON. 519-376-0968. GIBBARD BEDROOM SET, 3 piece, Canadian made, solid original mahogany finish, 8 drawer w/ mirror & 7 drawer, night stand w/ drawer, $1650 or consider trade on a small boat. 519-3657500. SMALL FREEZER & SMALL FRIDGES, & ice machine. 519-542-9417. EDGE PROTECTORS, 3”x3”, 6’ long, used to strengthen & stabilize skids, approx 600 pieces, make an offer. 519595-3320. VIOLIN, exc cond, like new, w/ case, 2 instruction books, $295. St Thomas. 519-207-2701. FARM IMPLEMENTS, Vintage tractor drawbars, Metal tractor seat w/ shock, 3pth rear scoop bucket w/ trip, $290, Dearborn 2 furrow 10-8, $275, IHC front loader bucket, 40” wide, $295, Ford 8N tractor, front steel wheels, $275, Old pull type disc, $300, Old pull type cultivator, $300, Blacksmith HD post vice, $450, Wurlitzer organ, $800, Early 1900 GM Frigidaire fridge, $575, Pair of new Ford F150 running boards for 2004-2008 model, $450, Dominion farm scale from 1950, $150, Pair of new Miller hyc cyl, $225, Roper 3pth scraper blade, $675, Detroit Jewel gas & wood stove from early 1900, $3000, Duotherm natural gas space heater, $325, 1967 JD 95 combine, for parts. Caledonia Area. 905-776-1431. CYLINDER HEAD, for Z134 engine or MF 35 gas. 519-395-2225. FIREWOOD, hardwood, split & stacked last winter, $240/bush cord, delivery $35/bush cord extra, cut to 12, 16, 24, 36 or 48” lengths. 519-669-8765. FURNACE PARTS, from oil & wood combination, 2 doors, 12”x16”, both on frames. 519-484-2985. FIREWOOD, split hardwood, stored inside. 519-338-2691. OIL TANK, exc cond, 200gal, w/ dbl bottom, always inside. 519-268-7766. CAMP & BBQ FIREWOOD, sugar maple wood, in the bag, pickup at the farm. Leave message. 519-923-5996. 2018 NEWMAC OIL FURANCE, 2 speed fan, 89000 btu, 0.75 nozzle, $700. 519741-6493. NEW STYLE ROTH OIL TANK, w/ poly bladder, w/ fixtures & stand, $1200. 905836-1839. SEASONED FIREWOOD, 12” length, hardwood, $85/face cord. 123523 Southgate Rd 12, Holstein, ON N0G 2A0. 519-323-9397. WOOD FURNACE, $950. 519-754-6319. BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE OXFORD HAZEL WOOD STOVE, #25A, barely used, lots of chrome, $500. 519-803-1537. 2- MABRE FURNACES, forced air, 500000BTU, 8” insulated chimney pipe, 40’. Best offer. 519-475-4565. 2 WOOD STOVES, 1 for greenhouse, 1 ornate. 905-563-7363. MIXED FIREWOOD, 4’ lengths, very reasonable. 519-669-8678. MR HEATER, 50000BTU, runs on diesel or kerosene, used 3 times. 519-5753459. ASHLEY THERMOSTATIC STOVE, w/ cast iron top & bottom, large easy opening for clean out, $200. Call Joe by phone only! 705-559-5050. CUSTOM FABRICATED WOOD BURNING STOVE, for shop or larger area - brick lined, w/ furnace cast iron openings when a lof of heat is needed in a hurry, $350. Call Joe by phone only! 705-559-5050. JD CORN STOVE, burns wheat, corn & wood pellets, $1200. 519-261-0362 or 519-323-2980. WOOD OR COAL COOK STOVE, Mcclary Royal Canadian, oven, water box, made in Guelph, exc cond, $1700. 519773-9447. INFRARED TUBE HEATER, 60000btu, propane. 519-505-3342. FLAG POLES 2050 FLAGPOLES & FLAGS - Ontario Flag & Pole specializing in “Titan” telescopic flagpoles 15’, 20’, 25’ ft & all your flag needs including custom flags. 1-888596-0040 www.ontarioflagandpole.com OTHER 2090