132 www.Farms.com/Classifieds Ontario | March 2025 2-LRG STEEL TANKS, 25 1/2 ‘ long, 9’ diameter, for holding water. 905-3081351. WATER STORAGE TANK, 30000gal, vertical, fiberglass, open top, $12000. 519-348-0523. G3 SEED TREATMENT SYSTEM, c/w 240L chemical tank & pump, various down spouts, ladder & 96”x12” HD transfer auger, $2100, OBO. 613-8486586. 2 TANKS, approx 7’x12’, 1-stainless, 1-mild steel, asking $5000 or you tell me the price. pure@bell.net 3-TANKS, 1-approx 2500gal, glass lined steel tank, 1- approx 1500gal, plastic, flat bottom on a steel stand, 1-6000gal, insulated w/ elec heating. 519-801-0103. 1983 BADGER 888, hydroscopic, HD machine, nice & tight, no breaks or welds, 4 cyl diesel, hyd bkt to 25’ depth, 20 ton, runs great, ready to work, $25000, OBO. Lindsay. Pics on Farms. com 705-324-4555. JD 120C EXCAVATOR, w/ blade, 2 buckets, $42000. 519-334-3176. CASE EXCAVATOR, 15 ton. 519-5041086. 2008 MINI BOBCAT 331 EXCAVATOR, 12 & 24” buckets included, Kubota diesel eng, runs & works well, $21000. Serious buyers only please. Pics on Farms.com. mckenziedrago@gmail.com SET OF USED RUBBER TRACKS, for 304 or 305 CCR Cat excavator, $1500. 519955-2920. FORKLIFT, 3pth, $2000. 519-364-1514. KOMATSU OUTDOOR FORKLIFT, liquid propane gas, 3 stage, 9800hrs, solid tires, $6500, OBO. 519-664-2611. YALE FORKLIFT, 8000lb, 4100hrs, cab w/ heat, $13000. Rotator avail. 226-6680706. USED FORKLIFTS, $2,000+. North Wellington Lift Truck, Arthur 519-848-3504. USED MASTS, $500+. North Wellington Lift truck, Arthur 519-848-3504 RENTAL UNITS 3000lbs to 15000lbs. North Wellington Lift Truck, Arthur 519848-3504 CHAMPION D720A ROAD GRADER, tight auto trans, 12’ moldboard, $12500, OBO. 519-521-8766. WACKER PLATE TAMPER, 4hp Honda, $1000. 519-741-6493. HD ALLIS CRAWLER LOADER, for sale. 519-293-3123. CAT 977 TRACK LOADER, PS, pedal steer, side dump bucket w/ teeth, very good undercarriage, needs final drive repair, plus 1 1/2 other machines for parts. 519-923-3130. After 8pm. ARPS BACKHOE, 3pth, w/ 12”, 18” and 30” buckets. 905-308-1351. CASE 680 BACKHOE, 2WD, runs & works well, $10000. 519-216-8052. FORD BACKHOE, 3pth, w/ 18” bucket. 519-595-7793. JD 444K WHEEL LOADER, $69000. 519-595-7180. JD BACKHOE, off JD 450 dozer, model 93A, complete, can deliver extra, $2500. 519-363-6338. 2000 FORD NH 575E TLB, 4WD, extenda hoe, 4 speed hyro, 2 stick, 22” tine bucket, no leaks, no broken glass, tight & very good machine, good rubber, 7450hrs, $35000. Aylmer. 519-7652064. BACKHOE, 3pth, good working cond, $3500, OBO. Wainfleet, ON. 905-9322207. IHC 2250 LOADER, w/ mountings for IHC 684, $1200. 3pth counter weight, $100. 226-349-8650. CONSTRUCTION & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT BACKHOES & LOADERS 5210 DOZERS 5230 JD 450 CRAWLER LOADER, good undercarriage, 200hrs on rebuilt motor, has canopy $8500. 705-927-4195 or 705-799-5318. OLIVER OC3 CLETRAC DOZER, w/o blade, runs good. 519-379-6447. JD 1010 BULLDOZER, c/w 8’ manual angle blade, tin in good cond, would make a great project machine or parts machine, needs engine block, $900. Pics avail. 613-978-0512. WANTED: Small dozer with blade. pure@bell.net. CUSTOM EQUIPMENT REPAIR & RENTAL, Industrial & Ag repair specializing in telehandlers & skid steers. Telehandler rentals. Wallenstein, ON. Contact Stanley. 519-698-2683. TEREX GTH 842 TELEHANDLER, 8000lb, 42’ reach, 3500hrs, cab/heat, wide fork carriage, good tires, $39500. 705-799-0848. AICHI SR12B TRACK BOOM LIFT, 45’ length, 1600hrs, will not get stuck in mud, dirt or snow, 16000lb weight, call for pricing. 519-617-6683. LOG SPLITTER, Honda, 30 ton, 8hp, 22” stroke, 3’ hyd cyl, application made in shop, $1400. 905-664-5482. WOOD CHIPPER, 3pth, new in factory crate, 4”, $1900 + Hst. 6”, $2900 + Hst. 6” w/ hyd feed, $3900 + Hst. 705-7957514. HD WOOD SPLITTER, 3pth, $500. 519538-2268. WOOD SPLITTER PARTS, pump, control valve & oil filter. 519-357-7340. NORMET WOOD CHIPPER, model CH 231, 9”, 3pth, PTO, $1600. 519-9412968. WALLENSTEIN WOOD CHIPPER, 6”, 3pth, exc cond, $3995. 519-319-5008. WOOD SPLITER, for sale. 519-3231466. WOOD CHIPPER, 3”. Homelite XL chainsaw. 519-644-0961. WOOD SPLITTERS, 1 - 3pth, homemade, HD, $400. 1 - Trailer type, homemade, almost completed, $500. 905352-3203. 10 WHITE OAK TREES, swamp oak, in Niagara Peninsula, you cut & remove, $100/piece. Evenings. 905-945-8407. STANDING TIMBER, mature trees. 905689-2205. WANTED: Someone to buy and take down trees; cedar, poplar, hard & soft wood. 613-989-6150. WANTED: LOGS & standing timber. Townsend Lumber is paying top dollar for your logs & standing timber. Contact our experienced representative today for your free consultation. Mike Penner 519-688-1426 or Jay Hanson and Logging Office: 519-688-1236. Ask about our premiums for year round access. FIREWOOD PROCESSOR, for sale. 519503-6237. POULAN CHAINSAWS, 16” bar, 1 yellow, 1 black/green, $75ea. 519-3641514. GREATBEAR TREE SHEARER, 15”. 226222-4782. MCCULLOCH CHAINSAW, 1950’s model 3-25, $100. 905-382-2927. SELECT SAWMILL, 75hp electric, 6” dbl cut band. Pic on Farms.com. 519-5036237. EXCAVATORS 5240 SALES, SERVICE AND RENTAL OF ALL MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT A PROUDLY RUN LOCAL COMPANY HERE TO SERVE YOU 905-510-2461 WELLINGTONCOUNTYEQUIPMENT @EXECULINK.COM FORKLIFTS 5250 GRADERS 5260 TELEHANDLERS 5270 OTHER 5290 FORESTRY & WOODLOT CHIPPERS/ SPLITTERS 5310 STANDING TIMBER 5380 OTHER 5390