148 www.Farms.com/Classifieds Ontario | March 2025 VARIOUS TRACTORS & EQUIP, Farmall 53 Super H, 69 Versitile 145, open station, Versitile 36, PTO, 3pth, Versitile 935, JD 650 disc, 30’, 26” blades, 11” spacing, JD 1060 cultivator, 54’, CIH folding scuffler 830 or 1220, 3pth, pull or push w/ bidirectional and potatoe stacker. 519-881-0227. 1956 JD MODEL 50, PS, 12V, starts & runs excellent, $3500 FIRM. 519-7752789. 1956 AC WD45, w/ loader, 3pth, runs well, good tin, $4100. 613-222-6870. NH T7-170, 18spd, PS, c/w full set of NH front weights, axle duals, will be avail Mar 01/24, approx 1900hrs, exc cond, $105000, OBO. 519-698-0114. PARTING OUT: MF 1080 REAR END AXLES & TRANS, GEHL S185 SKID STEER, parting out loader & bucket. JD 1209 DISCBINE, wobble box & accessory parts. NH 479 DISCBINE, wobble box. 519-741-7695. JD 7800 TRACTOR, 2WD, 7800hrs, 19 spd, power shift, 3 remotes, 42” rubber, good cond. 519-331-7977. NH T8.360 TRACTOR, 4400hrs, twin hyd pump, 50k front suspension, air trailer brakes, engine brakes, $154900. 519-897-9471. MF 275 TRACTOR, exc cond, new back tires, new back lights, new battery, $19500. 519-847-5715. JD 70 TRACTOR, gas, row crop, wide front. 519-529-7356. OLIVER 880 WHEEL WEIGHTS, approx 800lbs, $1/lb. 519-371-0887. SPECIAL SHOP TOOLS, to repair, reset & callibrate JD tractors, corn planters & combines, from 1970-2000, hard to find tools in one pkg, $10000. 519-2806630. JD 2355 TRACTOR, 8642hrs, exc cond, $13000, OBO. 519-669-0791. CASE 870, white, newer version. 519347-2281. TIGERLIGHTS LED LIGHTS, Original Fit for Tractor & Combines. Many Makes & Models. Lebanon Ag Service 519291-6802. PARTING OUT – Kubota models: M125X, M6–111 and M7040. Call Weisenberg Repairs. Call Weisenberg Repairs 519-823-0760. FOR RENT – Manitou MLT 741 telehandler. Laverne Martin 519-823-2200. 1981 JD 4240, cab, A/C, 6397hrs, 14.9x46 rear tires, good condition. Hard to find these! $34,100. Call 519401-2044 WANTED: Ford tractor 5000, 7000, 5600, 6600, 7600, 7700 or 10 series; any cond or for parts. 519-698-2184. AC 220, 2WD, traction tires on the front and 30/32 tires on the back, back tires are very good, dual remotes, 135hp, good cond. 519-581-7839. KUBOTA B2350 TRACTOR, diesel, low hrs, drive shift, mower w/ 3pth system, loader; never been used, $16000. 519461-0274. Evenings Only! IHC 684 TRACTOR, runs good, $6500. 226-349-8650. 1970-71 FORD 5000, cab, $10000. 519-364-1514. CASE 1370, 4800hrs. 519-504-1086. PARTING OUT: CIH MAXXUM 5120, 5130, 5140, MX 110, 19 spd, NH T4.115, Fendt 517. Carl 519-669-0615. PARTING OUT, CIH MX100- 170, Max140, MXU110, NH T6030, McCormick MTX125, MXU130, CX80, Mag 180 CVT, Puma 150, 165, 180cvt & T6070 Supersteer, Mag 290, T8.390, MX 270 & 4420, STX 375, Steiger 335 & 350HD. 519-590-5250. AC D17, diesel, black bar grill edition, rebuilt series 4 engine, new tires, extra complete engine, $9500. 519-4971810. PARTING OUT: CIH 150 MAXXUM, 1000hrs, suspended 4WD front axle, active 8 trans, good, 6 cyl, 24 valve FPT 6.7L engine, good, rear end, good, good drive axles. 519-741-7695. 1953 FARMALL M, wide front, professional paint, new tires, $6000. 1953 Farmall H, $3000. 519-881-0227. WHITE 1370, 2WD, good cond but faded, 5300hrs, $5500. 519-334-3317. 1973 JD 2130, w/ cab, exc shape, $9995. 519-319-5008. WANTED: Cockshutt 40 or 550 gas, must have, wide adj front axel & hyd bar back axel and remote. 705-9445568. JD 70 TRACTOR, row crop w/ round wide front, 2 cyl, new Firestone rear tires, exc cond. 519-717-1202. WANTED: 270 or 272 Leyland, w/ 5spd low/high range trans, w/ 18.4/30 rear tires, w/ or w/o loader. 519-278-8332 or 519-217-0189. NH T7 170, 6000hrs, CVT, cab, front axle & cab sus, 4 remotes, front weights, trailer brakes, bar axle duals, back tires 520 85 R42, front tires 420 85 R30, $100000. 519-669-0615. INT FARMALL 140, w/ automatic hitch, 2 furrow plow, 8 disc cultivator, $10000. 519-695-6613. ZETOR 8045 TRACTOR, in fair cond, asking $3200. Call Ray. 519-278-8332. JD 6230 TRACTOR, open station, 673 NSL loader, 6800hrs, $52000. 519-4642855. JD 7130, open station, 6350hrs, 520/420 BKT like new, rack & pinion, 3 remotes, front fenders, $57000. 705799-7262. FORD 9N, gas, new tires, runs great, w/ 4’ rotary cutter, $2650. 613-489-3817 or 613-875-3814. 2022 JD 1025R, loader & mower, 100hrs, $27000. 519-664-1305. 2018 JD 8295R TRACTOR, just a planting tractor, only 970hrs, heavy front end, $310000. 519-995-4450. FORD 1910, 4WD, $6000. 519-5958688. DEUTZ DX130, 120hp, 2WD, 500hrs on new engine, 3 range 4 speed synchromesh w/ power shift, 2 remotes, dual PTO, $52000. 519-765-4239. JD 6920S, 4800hrs. 905-478-1305. JD 4440, 7652 orig hrs, bought new, serviced every 100hrs, well maintained, always shedded when not in use, good cond, new style steps & mirrors, front weights, quick hitch, new Agribib tires, looks like new! Retired! $40000. 519319-0847. WANTED: Ford TW or 30 Series Tractors, for parts or in need of repair. 226339-5791. PENTA DB-40 DEMO DUMP TRAILER, new cond. 519-535-7888. 2000 WALINGA DUMP TRAILER, 48’ long, 5 axle, air ride, $23000. 36’ Dump trailer, for grain, $8500. 519-524-0824. LIGHT DUTY FARM TRAILER, 4’x8’, road worthy, wood box, $250. 519-7851905. FLOAT TRAILER, 48’, long & low, good for hay or straw, asking $6000. 519524-0824. 2-FARM TRAILERS, one with truck tires and one with balloon impliment tires, single axle, sturdy, good deck approx 7’ x 12’. Chatham/Dresden Area. 519683-2777. TRI AXLE FLAT DECK TRAILER, 20’x9’, beaver tail w/ loading ramps, farm use only, $2500. 519-347-2451. 5TH WHEEL GOOSENECK TRAILER, dual wheels, tandem axles, 20’ long w/ 5’ beaver tail, loading ramps, hyd winch, good shape, kept inside, tires good. 519-345-2728. WANTED: Gooseneck trailer, w/ sliding axles to move equip, back end must be able to go to the ground. pure@bell.net BRAND NEW JBM T1200 DUMP WAGON 12 ton capacity, dual hydraulic cylinders, $12950. Del avail. 519-535-1312. 12 ton capacity, dual hydraulic cylinders, $13500. Del avail. BRAND NEW JBM T1200 DIRT BOSS DUMP WAGON 12 ton capacity, dual hydraulic cylinders, $13500. Del avail. 519-535-1312. TRAILERS DUMP TRAILERS 8510 FLATBED TRAILERS /EQUIPMENT HAULERS 8520