AWC Spotlite on Women |

10 Advancing Women Conference Denise Faguy When no one else believed in her, she believed in herself. Le Luong spent 30 days in a boat as a child when she left Vietnam to come to Canada. When her bio-organic fertilizer which was intended for corn and soybeans wasn’t gaining momentum, she saw and opportunity to pivot to wineries, and she hasn’t looked back. Le is the co-founder and CEO of Nurture Growth Biofertilizer Inc., Mississauga, ON. The company is an ag disrupter. It upcycles food waste by adding food microbes to use as a fertilizer for high end value crops. The fertilizer also stimulates the native microbial population in the soil to improve nutrient availability. Nurture Growth Biofertilizer has garnered accolades such as the MBOT Environment Sustainability Award and the OSEA Green Energy Doors Open Award. Le did not grow up on a farm, but when she drove a tractor for the first time at the age of 12, she says she knew she was hooked. Le is a dynamic and accomplished business professional with a diverse background in strategic planning, marketing, sales, and business management. This dynamic entrepreneur has consistently demonstrated a track record of success throughout her career, excelling in various leadership roles. One of the most insightful comments Le made during her presentation is for female entrepreneurs to “work ON their business” as opposed to “working IN the business” At the Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference in Niagara Falls, Lee shared ten tips for women entrepreneurs in the agriculture industry (or any industry). 1. Believe in yourself. 2. Set goals and review them regularly. 3. Get social (on social media) and be your own cheerleader. 4. Join Networking and Support Groups – “Leaders need to take time to work on their business”. Net worth is your net work. 5. Join Accelerator programs – Le advises not to underestimate the value of accelerator programs. 6. Ask for help – Le acknowledges that asking for help is difficult because it makes you vulnerable, but she says it can be the key to success. 7. Negotiate for what is rightfully yours and make it happen. 8. Accept imperfections – “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good,” says Le. She also adds, “pick your battles carefully.” 9. Support women and other entrepreneurs. As Le says, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” 10. Celebrate small victories. One of the interesting anecdotes Le shared when she talked about asking for help was that, at one point, she was having trouble getting permits renewed for the United States, which represented 33% of her revenue. Then, at a networking event, she met the Vice Consul of the Canadian Embassy. He said the standard, “If there is anything I can do to help just let me know.” Le explains that she sent the vice consul an email detailing the issue she was having. To his credit, he responded within one hour of receiving the email and ensured that she was introduced to the right people to get the issue resolved. Believe in yourself, most people would be too intimidated to ask for help. Le says female entrepreneurs need to “work ON their business” as opposed to “working IN the business”. ADVERSITY LEADS TO INNOVATION