CAAR | August 2024

AUGUST 2024 15 TECHNOLOGIES TO WATCH from above, as they image the property below. It can see, with its software, potential problems and thus help optimize farm management. Lan imaging is a key tool used by drones. It’s still a burgeoning technology, as not everyone has utilized its benefits. We just wanted to remind you that, year after year, drone technology continues to evolve. As such, it’s always worth looking into it to see how it can be used to your benefit. Precision Agriculture and Big Data Analytics Precision agriculture, supported by big data analytics, allows for the application of more precise management of crop and livestock farming by analyzing data on soil conditions, crop health, and more. It’s the same here. We know you know what precision ag is—a catchall term for the latest technologies that allow farmers to have precise control over how they apply their seeds, herbicides, pesticides, and harvesting with their equipment. The field of precision agriculture is constantly evolving, and it behooves the ag retailer to constantly be aware of the latest developments. If you want a recent example of this technology, how about John Deere’s partnership with SpaceX, where the green-coloured Earth-bound equipment will see improved connectivity via satellites, which will allow farmers to work more efficiently and productively with reduced downtime and the ability to coordinate amongst all of their Deere machines for more efficient use of resources? No, Deere is not blasting any tractors or combines into space in 2024, but SpaceX will be uploading software into its already-orbiting Starlink satellites to provide that bonus level of connectivity to the farmers using next-gen Deere equipment—a specific receiver—to give them the connectivity edge. Controlled Environment Agriculture As noted earlier, vertical farming is a part of something bigger—controlled environment agriculture (CEA). Yes, CEA is a technology-based approach toward food production that involves such modern (yet now oldschool) technologies as hydroponics, aquaponics, and vertical farming. While CEA is a great way to perform urban agriculture, it can also be done in a rural environment—but still one that is indoors. It provides crop protection and, despite being indoors, offers optimal growing conditions throughout the development of the crop without the barrage of external weather conditions such as frost, too much wind, rain, or heat. It involves engineering, plant science, and computer-managed facility control techniques all in a single facility to provide an optimal plant growth system, plant quality, and production efficiency. All told, it should optimize the farm’s resources—for labour, energy, space, capital, water, etc. Biotechnology involves using GMOs to modify living animals or plants to make them better—or what we perceive to be better. wildpixel/iStock/Getty Images Plus photo