CAAR | August 2024

LEVEL UP YOUR AG RETAIL STRATEGY Best-in-class technology and agronomic services Comprehensive Agronomic Dashboard Advanced Field Scouting Extensive Weather Network Premium Satellite Imagery Custom Reports with Your Logo Soil Testing at Dedicated Lab Modern Online Storefront Farmers Edge Laboratories 1357 Dugald Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0H3 204 233 4099 Customer Sample ID: Lab Lot Number: Received Date: Date Reported: Garden Test 230315_001 2023/03/15 2023/03/24 Report To: Dmitri Ermak 1357 Dugald Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0 Home Vegetable Garden Report Nitrogen: Low Optimum High Phosphorus: Potassium: Soil Nutrient Levels 8 4 180 ppm ppm ppm No Concern Saline Toxic Soil Quality - Salinity Organic Matter: pH: Salinity: 4.6 7 0.5 % dS/m Acidic Optimum Alkaline Soil Quality - pH Guideline Marginal Caution Nutient Amounts Needed 2.6 1.7 0.7 Nitrogen (lb/1000 sq.ft.) Phosphorus (lb/1000 sq.ft.) 0.4 2.4 Potassium (lb/1000 sq.ft.) 0.4 0.4 2.4 2.4 Vegetables with high nitrogen needs *** Mixed Garden / Moderate nitrogen needs ** Vegetables with low nitrogen needs * 20-20-20 24-8-16 10-15-10 11-52-0 10-10-10 6-12-12 12-4-8 7-3-3 Rate lb/1000 sqft Fertilizer Blend Nutrient needs met N P 6.5 3.5 3 7 7 11.5 6 10 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 160% 190% 280% 335% 450% 585% 830% 1765% K - 29% 19% 29% 29% 58% 19% 12% Nutrient needs met N P 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 250% 310% 545% 665% 950% 1280% 1870% 4150% K - 71% 47% 71% 71% 142% 47% 30% 15.5 8.5 7 17 17 28.5 14 24.5 Nutrient needs met N P 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 325% 425% 775% 965% 1400% 1905% 2810% 6290% K - 108% 72% 108% 108% 217% 72% 46% 23.5 13 11 26 26 43.5 21.5 37 Low Nitrogen Needs Mixed/moderate Nitrogen Needs High Nitrogen Needs 46-0-0 1.5 100% - - 100% - - 3.5 100% - - 5.5 Rate lb/1000 sqft Rate lb/1000 sqft Fertilizer rates are calculated for each nitrogen scenario (low, moderate or high nitrogen needs) based on which nutrient is in highest need in that scenario. Some fertilizer blends and rates may more closely match this soil's nutrient content. Select either the fertilizer blend that most closely matches what you have on hand or select the blend that closely matches 100% of 'Nutrient needs met' for all nutrients to guide your fertilizer purchase. Rates are given per 1000 square feet of garden space. Adjust fertilizer rates to the size of your garden. * Vegetables with low nitrogen needs include: Beans, Head Lettuce, Herbs, Peas, Radish and Turnip ** Vegetables with moderate nitrogen needs include: Asparagus, Carrots, Cucumbers, Leaf Lettuce, Pepper, Pumpkin and Summer Squash *** Vegetables with high nitrogen needs include: Beet, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Onions, Spinach, Sweet Corn, Tomatoes and Potatoes Page 1 of 2 Designed and curated for agricultural professionals. Streamline workflow, centralize data and leverage agronomic insights to grow sales. LEARN MORE