It is a pity we had not more men the stamp of Peter McArthur. Surely the reasonable and honest views which he places before the reader of “The Farmer’s Advocate” should bear fruit. We will admit the weary, down-trodden farmers and labourers have become so used to accepting everything, from the political and money interests bosses that their thinking capacity has nearly become dormant, but thanks to our good friend of clear brain and honest conception, working in the interest of the masses, exposing the trickery and slop dealt out to us by the professional politicians who come around every few years with a whitewashed story to be swallowed down by the honest hard-working farmers. Put our banking system on a sound basis, and let the counters of our coin be forced to lend first-hand to farmers their own money (placed in these concerns) at a reasonable rate of interest to carry on any legitimate business that farmers are likely to venture into. It is not [sic] high time the farmers of this country, working in the same business, admitted by all the largest business in Canada, should get together and throw to the winds that delusion we have been following, party politics, for so long, and vote for farmers. Never mind which party they belong to. And to you, Mr. McArthur, more power to your elbow. You are doing a good work. Keep on, you will yet see the fruits of your honest thought.
Lambton Co., Ont.
D. M. Healy