Ag Buyer's Guide | December 2024 113 December 2024 | Ontario BLACK ANGUS, bulls, bred heifers & cows for sale. Moderate framed, high marbling, easy keeping bloodlines. Fully vaccinated & very quiet. Ideal grass fed genetics. Heartwood Farms. 705652-1201. CUSTOM MEAT BUTCHERING, beef/ pork/wild game. Gerber Meats. 519699-4441. MCKAGUE CHAROLAIS BULLS, registered pure bred, yearlings, polled, semen tested, good natured. Open & bred heifers avail. Wingham. 519-3573808. GALLOWAYS, male & females - Blacks, Duns, Red, Belted. After 8pm. 905-6894123. WANTED: 12-15 Hereford cows, prefer w/ calves. Evenings. 905-983-9331. LIMOUSIN – See our heifers at Eastern Showcase Limousin on Sat. Dec. 8 in Hanover. Young homegrown breeding bulls for sale. Double & homo polled, thick, well muscled, quiet. Semen tested. Embryos for sale. Yearlings available. Delivery available. Posthaven Limousin. John Post 519766-7178. John Jr. 519-831-1869 www. 4 BOUMATIC FLO STAR MILKERS, companion unit, plus fresh cow buckets w/ top, complete, $4000. 705-5638208. WANTED: Looking for Holstein heifer calves, any age and bred/open heifers. 519-802-7105. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, from high record dams. Service age. Also fresh Holstein cows. Delivery avail. McIntosh Holsteins. Call 519-535-4341. WANTED: Any breed of heifers. 519497-1810. WESTERN SADDLES, including a Calgary Stampede trophy saddle. 226222-4782. ANVIL BRAND, (hoof trimmer knives), Plus other farrier tools, new. 519-5753459. ANTIQUE ROPING SADDLE, 16” seat, has been upgraded over the years, good solid saddle, $500. 519-7851905. INDOOR FULL BOARDING, for standardbred brood mares & laid up horses, $350/month. 226-234-0365. WHIPPLETREE, for 3 horse team, never used, $200. 519-622-1932. HORSE COLLARS, scotch tops, leather chrome show harness, show wagon. 519-845-3813. 6 HORSE COLLARS, 24” - 28”. 613989-5211. CARRIAGE PAIRS HORSE HARNESS, exc cond, leather, complete w/ tan lines, 20” black collars, chrome hames & fittings, $700. 519-449-3504 or 905220-1716. OLD STYLE LEATHER RACE OR DRIVING HARNESS, good cond, $200. Also Jog cart, $400. Orangeville, ON. 519215-0369. SADDLES, Western Saddle (Dark Leather) 17”, exc cond, $500. Western Saddle (Suede Light Beige), 15”, exc cond, $400. English Saddle (Light Brown Leather) 16” EXSELLE, exc cond, $500. English Saddle (Black Leather), 16” exc cond, $350. English Saddle (Brown Leather) 16”, well used, $150. Leather Saddle Bags (Black), full size exc cond, $50. Fabric Saddle Bags (Black), small size, good cond, $15. Training Surcingle, $25. Cash Only. 519-940-6976. FALL FAIR SPECIAL, show wagon & set of dbl harness. Cash Only. 519940-6976. HORSE ITEMS, Small horse drawn sleigh, 1 seat w/ platform behind. 2 wheeled cart, pony or cob size, 2-horse drawn discs, 12 plate & 16 plate. 519-458-8756. BROODMARES, in foal. 519-4020616. NYLON DELUXE TEAM HARNESS, A-1 shape, like new, lots of chrome, $1200. 905-774-9242. NYLON TEAM HARNESSES, fits 1600 - 2200lbs, complete w/ 25 -27 adj collars & bridles, very good cond, $1100, OBO. 226-388-4360. NEW SET OF SLOOP SLEIGHS, complete, call for sizes. 613-256-1563. POLE, for team buggy, steel hames. 613-989-5211. DAIRY CATTLE 1620 HORSE STALLS 10’x10’ & 12’x12’ horse stalls in stock. Custom sizes & welding avail. 519-535-1312. HORSES 1630 MISC HORSE ACCESSORIES, assort of Western headstalls, halters, saddle pads and horse blankets, assort of wood, steel neck yokes, whippletrees and singletrees, single draft horse harness, like new, nylon, fits 1 ton horses, single nylon halflinger harness, set of team harness, fits up to 1600lbs, single cob size biothane driving harness and single leather driving harness, all like new, Dakota cutting horse saddle, 16” seat,1 used horse collar, 22”, 2- Scotch top horse collars, 20” & 21”, exc cond. 519-458-8756. LRG AMOUNT OF STANDARDBRED HARNESS, 3 slant gooseneck Sundowner horse trailer, $20000. Text 905772-0027. BERKSHIRE & TAMWORTH CROSS PIGS, for meat or for breeding. 519638-3207. HOG SLATS, 8’x2’x6”, 9’x2’x6”. 519-6156901. PLASTIC NURSERY BARN SLATS, 2’x2’, also support bars & penning. 519-5800505. NATURAL RUBBER MATS, 12”/96”W, 13’ 7” L, 1.5”/2.5” thick, ideal for cow mats, milking parlours, horse stalls, horse prep stations & work bench. Lucan & Exeter. 519-878-0083. WHITE HOMING PIGEONS, all ages, for sale. 519-475-4581. EUROPEAN RABBIT CAGES, for sale. 519-395-4211. AUSTRALIAN BLUE HEELER PUPS, born Sept of 2024, vet checked, have 1st shots. Leave message. 519-8665968. ALUMI-COOPS BY SUPERIOR POULTRY, durable aluminum coops for pasturing layers, broilers, turkeys, ducks, etc. Very easy to move & very high wind resistance, avail in 5x6, 6x10, 10x12, 12x12, 12x24. Call for more info & pricing. 519-363-0681 Elmwood, ON or 519-595-7255 Millbank, ON. GAME BIRD & POULTRY EQUIP, brooders, debeaker, netting. 1/2” mesh welded wire cage equip. 519-542-9417. BARN SQUEEGEE, 6’, mounts to Steiner’s & Vent trac blade, for barn washing, $100. 519-357-7410. 1000’ ZIGGITY NIPPLE LINES, w/ regulators, will seperate. 48” fiberglass fans & controllers, louvers & winter covers. Also louvers & winter covers: 18”, 24” & 36”. 519-860-2325. WANTED: Norsol electronics barn ventilation controllers, model WRF 1AB. 519-343-4370. RIDEAU RAMS & EWE LAMBS, Genovis tested, parasite resistant breeding, high health flock, Breezy Ridge Farms. 905-478-4280. GALLAGER SMART TSI, monitor for data. 519-757-5533. REGISTERED ILE DE FRANCE RAMS, & maternal composite ewe lambs avail, ready to go! 226-752-7170. SHEEP & LAMBS, for sale. 226-2224782. BLUE FACED LEICESTER SHEEP, U.K. bloodline, ewe lambs, dams tested neg for Johne’s & Maedi Visna. Orangeville Area. 519-940-8897. BOER GOATS, high health herd, dams type classified herd average exc, young stock of breeding age, proven does, prices start at $800. Orangeville Area. 519-940-8897. POULTRY 1660 8 ROBERTS GORDON HEATER HEADS, with first pipes (100000 btu), for parts, $800. 519-343-4370. SHEEP & GOATS 1670 SWINE 1680 PETS 1685 OTHER 1690