Ag Buyer's Guide | December 2024

122 Ontario | December 2024 CIH 8312 DISCBINE, center pivot, 12’, $8500. 705-273-1666. 2008 MACDON R80 MOWER, 13’, centre pivot, hyd tilt, draw bar swivel hitch, steel rollers, $12000. 613-345-1655. Leave message. PICKETT 1 STEP C8030-8 BAR WINDROWER, 2002, 20’, w/ cushion & belly shanks, complete dividing equip, w/ weight bracket for JD 7420. Also, 2 extra cushion shanks & rebuilt com tracks w/ new rods & points, cylinders on guage wheels, $25000, OBO. Pics on 519-818-8859. CIH DCX131 DISCBINE, 2pth, rubber rolls, rebuilt cut bar, very nice, $15000. 519-338-3609. JD 800 SWATHER, 12’ cut, $1300. 519375-1387. 1980 VERSATILE 400 SWATHER, hydrostatic drive, 12’ draper head, $1600. 705-428-2305. JD RUBBER CONDITIONER ROLLS, like new, fits JD 535, 635 735 & 835 machines, $1500, OBO. 519-261-0488. ROCK-O-MATIC WINDROWER, 20’, $2500. 613-387-3895. 5-NH HAYBINES, whole or for parts. After 8pm. 905-689-4123. NH DISCBINE, 10.4’. 289-228-3529. NH 478 HAYBINE, 7’ wide. NH 268 HAYLINER BALER, small sq bales. Pequea hay tedder, 8’. Befco hay rake, 3pth, has 3 large wheels. 2-FLAT BED HAY WAGONS, HD racks, 6’x8’, chain link grass harrows, 12’. All in exc cond. 519-4588756. NH 404 HAY CONDITIONER, $1500. 519-577-7155. WANTED: JD 735, 835, 945 or 946 mower conditioner, w/ roller conditioner. 519-595-2215. RAKES/TEDDERS 6355 M&W V RAKE, 18 wheel. 519-5297356. NEW TINES, for Niemeyer tedder, 8 right, 3 left. No Sunday calls. Call or text 519-536-6594. BIS CO RAKE, 3pth, 2 wheel reel, in exc cond, $500, OBO. 519-504-1086. NI 402 RAKE, side delivery, always shedded, $2500. Mildmay Area. 519240-1188. RARE COCKSHUTT RAKE, side del, on steel wheels. 519-682-9015 or 519792-4848. H&S HAY MERGER, 9’ PU, new belts, $7000, OBO. No Sunday calls. 705793-1844. 2018 VERMEER VR1428 RAKE, 14 wheel, plastic in the wheels & center kicker wheels, good cond, $24000. Milverton, ON. Pics on 519501-0773. FORD 513 ROLLER BAR RAKE, $900, OBO. 519-482-9902. LAND PRIDE RCR 2572 GRASS CUTTER, for sale. 519-983-6848. HD BUSH HOG, 1-wing mower, $4500. 519-919-0894. IHC ROTARY HOES, one 3pth, other is carrier. 519-360-0312. JD ROTARY HOE, pull/lift, 4 section, 13’, 4” wide, $600, OBO. 519-490-1842. JD 603 ROTARY MOTOR, 6’. 519-3231466. WOODS 72 BRUSHBULL, exc cond, $2900. 519-847-5715. BUSH HOG, HD, 6’, 3pth, exc cond, $1900. 519-901-0787. FMC ROTARY DITCHER 540, PTO, excellent, $2800. 905-892-3326. B&S LEAF BLOWER, 11hp, vacuum, trailer avail. After 8pm. 905-689-4123. TORO PERSONAL PACE, 21”, elec start, wheel adjusters, bag or mulch, bought new! Dorchester. 519-268-3867. YARD MACHINE, 21”, self propelled, wheel adj, bag or mulch. Best Offer! Dorchester. 519-268-3867. GARDEN/SNOW/FOREST TOOLS, axes, sledge hammers, forks, shovels, 2-post hole augers, snow scoop, 40 pieces! Best offer. Dorchester. 519-2683867. OLIVER 75 LAWN TRACTOR, complete w/ mower, restored, $1800. 519392-6079. JD 316 LAWN MOWER, hyd deck, hydrostat, front & back PTO. 519-4364478. 3-GARDEN TRACTORS, co-op model, turf trac, for parts or fix up. Wheel Horse, for parts or fix up. 519-7940297. 2 CASE 644 RIDING LAWN MOWERS, for sale. 519-291-4108. CUB CADET LAWN MOWER, w/ 48” deck & 52” deck - never used, 22hp, low hrs. 226-678-7232. KUBOTA F3680 LAWN MOWER, diesel, 4WD, 36hp, exc cond. 519-4266282. CASE LAWN TRACTOR 222, for sale. No texts. 613-360-5722. HONDA 4514 LAWN MOWER, not running, best offer. Leave a message. 519-837-6014. JD LT160, 42” deck. 519-338-2453. MF 85 LAWN MOWER, 36” cut, 6 spd, $450. 519-264-2919. MTD LAWN TRACTOR, 15.5hp, works great, no deck, $200, OBO. 519-6641316. STRAW CHOPPER FOR JD 4400 COMBINE, for sale. 519-503-0344. No Saturday calls. NH CROP CHOPPER, parting out. 519504-1086. NH 920 SWATHER, for parts. 613-4783339. After 8pm. NI HAY LOADER, 6 bar, on steel wheels, $2000. John Miller, 284376 Daniel Rd, Mount Elgin, N0J 1N0. ALLIED STOOKER, 6 bale, good cond, $500, OBO. 519-289-5775. NH 72 THROWER, $1500. 519-3234361 . 2 - NEW HAVESTORE BREATHER BAGS, 25’ diameter. 613-913-7534. KUBOTA BALE WRAPPER, model WR1400, trail type (wraps single bales), w/ side loading arm, rear bale offset tipper, done only 175 bales, like new, $23000, OBO, will take trade. 705-9576806. BALER TWINE, 4000’, bundles of 2. 905-308-1351. NI STALK SHREDDER, 14’ wide, $4500. 519-580-8473. TEAGLE TOMAHAWK 550 BALE PROCESSOR, uses large round or square bales, mint condition, used at couple of times, $20000. Bradford Area. 905806-7163. WIC BALE PROCESSOR, or straw chopper, uses small sq bales, $1200. Bradford Area. 905-806-7163. NH BALE THROWER PARTS, hyd pump, valves, orbiting motor and tank. 519-363-2989. ROTARY MOWERS /SICKLE MOWER 6360 STALK CHOPPERS /FLAIL MOWERS 6370 OTHER 6390 PLASTIC NET WRAP/PLASTIC BALE WRAP, big square bale twine, CPS product, skid lots only. 519-504-1086. JD 120 STALK SHREDDER, 20’, 1000 rpm, $9500. 519-580-8473. LAWN & GARDEN OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT 6400 RIDING LAWN MOWERS 6420 SNOW REMOVAL 6440 EQUIFAB SALTER, 1/12 yard, low profile, 8’, stainless steel, good cond, w/ elec motor & well maintained, $3900. 519-661-7041. AGRO TREND SNOWBLOWER, $1500. 519-364-1514. USED AUGER, for a 8 1/2’ Lucknow snowblower. 519-523-9574.