130 www.Farms.com/Classifieds Ontario | December 2024 JD CULTIMULCHER, 15’ wide, good cond, $4000. 519-269-3945. KVERNELAND DISC, older model, new disc on it. 613-478-3339. After 8pm. SALFORD 570 RTS EXTREME DISC, 16’ wide. Caledon. 647-238-3252. WHITE DISC, 14’. 519-216-8052 or 519939-8598. WHEEL DISC, 12’, has a cylinder, $1200. 905-648-3793. BUSH HOG DISC, 18’, front gang off, back gang good, have all parts, offers. 519-521-5661. GLENCOE SOIL SAVERS, 7 & 9 shank. Aylmer. 519-765-2064. OLIVER DISC, 12’ pull type, $800. 519294-6782 or 519-709-3055. FORD DISC, 3pth, needs some blades & some bearings, $300, OBO. 519-5024762. CASE INT 350 DISC PLOW, 12’, very good cond, $3000. Arthur, ON. 416266-3143. ALLIS CHALMERS DISC, quick hitch, 8’ wide, tandem, 28 plates, 16”, w/ cleaners, loading incl, $400. Call Rob 519631-7475. SET OF KEWANEE 160 DISCS, w/ hyd lift, 20” blades. Manitoulin Island. 705282-3718. MF 820 DISC, 21’, rear hitch, good cond, $6500, OBO. Wainfleet, ON. 905932-2207. FORD DBL DISC, 9’, 3pth. 519-2933123. JD 220 DISC, 20’. 519-638-3659. KRAUSE DISC, 12’, $400, OBO. 519-4829902. BUSH HOG 1436 DISC HARROW, 10’, used, asking $2000. 519-367-2726. WHITE ROCK FLEX DISC, 29’. 519-5862522. CIH DISC, 16’, rock flex, model 475, $3000, OBO. 613-330-7080. SALFORD 550 DISC, 33’ , finger harrows & rolling basket, rear hitch & hydraulics. 519-796-3200. MF DISC, 3pth. 519-485-0330. JD TO100 DISC, 7’, 20 plate, 3pt, exc cond, $1825. 519-463-5263 or 519-4216939. 2020 JD 2680H HIGH SPEED DISK, 30’, 3 section folding, 25” rubber rolls w/ hyd scraper, 20” notched front & rear blades, exc cond, field ready, $165000. 519-274-4884. FIELD CULTIVATORS 7020 CULTIVATOR, 18’, 3pth, hyd wings. Manitoulin Island. 705-282-3718. JD 980 C SHANK CULTIVATOR, 27’, 5 bar spike. 519-462-2163. FORD CULTIVATOR, 10’, $300. 519338-2691. WIL-RICH CULTIVATOR, c shank, 40’. 519-524-0824. SPRINGTOOTH CULTIVATOR, 12’, on rubber. 519-229-6115. SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, 10’, pull type. 519-229-6115. INT CULTIVATOR, 28’, $6000. Caledon. 647-238-3252. WHITE 285 CULTIVATOR, 16’, w/ wings, shedded. 519-234-6483. PLANET JR CULTIVATOR, single furrow plow, 5hp Briggs & Stratton, $750. 519-682-9015 or 519-792-4848. INT 4500 VIBRA C SHANK CULTIVATOR, 13’, pull type, w/ cyl, $1500. 519765-2064. HAMMER STRAP HITCH, off JD 2210 cultivator. 519-698-0114. MCKEE CULTIVATOR, 20’, S-tine, 4”spacing, 4” sweeps. 519-595-3320. KONGSKILDE CULTIVATOR, 11’, 3pth, $800. Case C shank cultivator, 13’, $1000. 519-294-6782 or 519-709-3055. 2-ROW CROP CULTIVATORS, 4R & 6R. 519-294-6782 or 519-709-3055. MCKEE CULTIVATOR, high clearance, dbl rolling baskets, 12’ w/ 2-2’ ext, $1199. 519-365-5725. HD BRADY CULTIVATOR, 12’, on wheels, w/ cyl, hoses & IH couplers, auto reset, C shank, on springs, w/ all new reversable points, well maintained, shedded & field ready, $1600. CALLS ONLY! Joe. 705-559-5050. MCKEE ROW CROP II CULTIVATOR, model PT2, 5 gang, category 1 & 2 pins, $500. Thunder Bay Area. 807-475-5197. KONGSKILDE CULTIVATOR, 21’, w/ wings & new rolling basket harrows. 519-234-6483. JD CULTIVATOR, 10’, w/ 3’ wings, hyd up/down. 519-794-0297. WIL-RICH CULTIVATOR, 26’, weathered, $4000, OBO. 519-289-5775. INT 45 VIBRA SHANK CULTIVATOR, 20’, w/ wings, new tires, spike harrows, rolling baskets, in exc cond, asking $4950. 705-818-1615. INT 45 VIBRA SHANK, 15’, w/ spring harrows, $1100. 519-466-2590. SALFORD 700 CULTIVATOR, 45’, by fold, rear hitch, dbl hyd. 519-796-3200. KVERNELAND HARROW CULTIVATOR, 6’, very good cond, $1700. Arthur, ON. 416-266-3143. INT 45 VIBRASHANK 12’ CULTIVATOR, above average cond, $900. 519683-2233. INT VIBRASHANK CULTIVATOR, springtooth, 24’, w/ wings. 613-3873895. JD 980 CULTIVATOR, 32’, coil tine harrow. 519-521-0329. MULCH FINISHERS 7030 PLOWS/RIPPERS 7040 JD 2700 PLOW 4 furrow, 20” bottoms, exc furrows, brand new shins & shears, exc landslides, front furrow manual turn buckle adjustment, $4000. Call for details. 519-529-7765. 4 furrow, 20” bottoms, many new wear parts, $3850. Call for details. 519-529-7765. toms, many new wear parts, $4000. JD 2810 PLOW 5 furrow, hyd vari width, exc furrows, shins, shears, tips & cover board, good landslides, tips on end of furrows for sod, manual front furrow turn buckle, $5000. 519-529-7765. ual front furrow turn buckle, $5500. KVERNELAND BB115 PLOW variable width plow, manual front furrow turn buckle, 4 very good coulters, 1 average, 3 good furrows, 1 poor & 1 brand new, good shins & shears, good tips, good landslides, came from a 40 cal 200 acre farm, land rented out a few yrs now, nice appearance, $20000. 519-529-7765. CHISEL PLOW, 15’, w/ wings, Graham, made in Texas, duals wheels, $3500. 519-833-2139. JD PLOW, 5 furrow, 3pth, 14” bottom, mint cond, $3500. 519-682-9015 or 519-792-4848. JD 2800 PLOW, 6 furrow, vari-width, extra points & cover boards, $4250. 905-983-5829. KONGSKILDE-OVERUM 5010 PLOW, 4 furrow, 16”, can be manually adjusted. 519-227-4391. IH PLOW, 3 furrow, 16” bottoms w/ cyl. JD 145 plow, 5 furrow, 16” bottoms. JD 145 plow, 4 furrow, 14” bottoms. 519294-6782 or 519-709-3055. CASE 4X18 PLOW, White bottoms, good wear parts, high clearance, $1500. 519-338-2691. AC PLOW, semi mounted, 4 furrow, $500. 905-957-7506. AC SEMI MOUNT PLOW, 5 furrow, 18” bottoms, good cond, $1850, OBO. Wainfleet, ON. 905-932-2207. MH PLOW, 2 furrow, on steel wheels, model #26 w/ 2-3 A bottoms w/ another one for parts, $500. Call $500 905563-7171.