Ag Buyers's Guide | June 2024 105 June 2024 | Ontario AC WF, 4-new tires, field ready, phone calls only please. 613-880-2526. CIH DEALER SIGN, 6’x11’, good shape, hard to find. 519-627-3756 or 519-3593271. FARMALL SUPER M, PS, live hyd, PTO, 3pth. Also Farmall M, setup for antique tractor pulls. 905-772-3984. MH 44 TRACTOR, partially dismantled, live power take off lever, live hyd, has dome pistons. 2- sets of fenders, 1-narrow, 1-wide. 519-522-1006. IH PLOWS, 2 furrow, pull type, on rubber tires. 519-627-3756 or 519-3593271. ANTIQUE CHAIRS, Captain’s & Pressback, some need repair. 519-348-8170. W4 TRACTOR, good tin work, new rear tires, previous eng rebuilt, w/ superkit. 519-923-3130. After 8pm. MF 135, gas, 3pth, power takeoff, good tires, straight, runs well, $5100, OBO. 519-484-2418 or 519-761-9258. FARMALL SUPER A, #59 Woods belly mount mower, cultivator & 2 furrow plow, always inside, A1. 519-360-0312. OLD BARN FINDS, 1854 30x40 drive shed, hand hewn beams w/ oak 2 1/2” thick x 2’ wide, floor boards plus barn boards, old antique audio tubes & Atwater Kent radio for parts, vintage metal Trico wiper blade cabinet, on wheels, $275, 1890’s photo viewer by Saturn Scope, $95. Caledonia. 905-776-1431. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS, Dr’s weight scale & butcher meat scale, Singer featherweight sewing machine, Antique cash register, Kerosene heaters, Coleman lanterns, house water meter, new role barbed wire, Ford Jubilee grills. 519-660-9289. JD 60, row crop, new tires, exc cond. JD M, exc cond. 519-717-1202. ANTIQUE CASE 400, gas, wide front end plus additional narrow front end, great running cond. 519-365-5725. 1950 OLIVER 77 STANDARD, restored in 1994, good rubber all around, $3000, OBO. 613-924-9001. 1936 OLIVER HART-PARR, model 2844, restored in 1997, had new tires then, $3500, OBO. 613-924-9001. 2-JD 40C CRAWLERS, restoration projects, 1st crawler partially restored, runs, rebuilt starter & generator. 2nd crawler w/ blade avail, for parts. Unable to finish due to health. Asking $6000. 519823-5784. CASE 500 TRACTOR, gas, good decent shape, w/ scraper blade, $2750. 519365-5725. PARTS FOR FARMALL H, draw bar, side arms, pin & block to hold draw bar, $100. 519-331-5747. VICTOR #12 CAN SEALER, 2 1/2 bracket, Motor Oil Victory Tool Canada, $450. 519-682-9015 or 519-792-4848. OLIVER 88, diesel, row crop, new tires all around, new clutch, $5500. AC D15, series 2, big motor, 43hp, $3900. 2 - AC 170 tractors, 1 gas, 1 diesel, both have new rubber, $8850ea. 519-392-6633. Days. D21 TOP LINK, & D21 parts book. 519371-0887. 1940’S FORD 2N TRACTOR, good rubber, runs well, good tractor, rear blade, $2000, OBO. 705-928-1326 after 6pm. Leave a message/phone number. CASH PAID, for coloured glass or porcelain insulators & steel insulator brackets. Mark. 519-591-4223. MCLAUGHLIN BUGGY, restored. WOODEN WHEEL GRAIN WAGON, good cond. REAR FENDERS, for JD 820, good. 519-529-7356. 2-ANTIQUE CHAIN FALLS, $75/ea. 519-229-6115. JD 3010 TRACTOR, gas, stored inside, runs, manual, $6000. 519-621-2639. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G1000, for sale. 519-402-0616. INT W4, w/ loader, live hydraulics. 519923-3130. After 8pm. 3-ANTIQUE LAMP POSTS, 9’ 6” w/ base, orig globes, never used or painted, stored inside, $1000/ea, Cash only. 519-925-5287 or 519-940-6976. 1935-1936 GOVERNOR, for MH GP, 4WD tractor, Hercules engine, part #RO2281C, $200. 613-822-1914. 1954 FORD NAA 800, industrial motor, was a forklift tractor converted to a regular tractor, automatic forward & rear gears, 4 forward, 1 reverse, clutch drive disc, call for more info. Chatham, ON. 519-360-6240. SMALL COLLECTION OF CASE TRACTORS, older models, 2 are on steel. 519-426-6282. FARMHOUSE FINDS, tables, rocking chair, Piano rolls, vintage records, tea wagon, wash stand, antique wood and metals beds, $100ea, 3 vintage trunks, $250 for all, 1940 Johnson C horse outboard, model 0K15, $1195, glass and porceline insulators, 31 pieces, $295 for all, vintage tennis raquets, vinage push reel mower, $150, Singer sewing maching, w/ walnut cabinet, 1960’s, $375. 905-776-1431. IH HAY RAKE, on steel, ground drive. No texts. 705-328-8159. JD D, 1-late 1950’s, $7000. 1947 JD G, hand start, exc cond, $7000. 1949 JD GW, round wide front. JD standard 730, gas, exc. All tractors are in exc cond. 519-717-1202. GRILL, for Farmall A or Super C. 519229-6115. CASE MODEL S TRACTOR, good cond, $1600, OBO. 905-734-4033. TOLEDO WEIGH SCALE, 125lbs. 519427-4594. MH 30 TRACTOR, gas, 3pth, hyd FE loader. RARE find! $2500. 519-3655725. OLIVER 66, row crop, complete w/ side panels, very good cond, $3000. 613489-3817. COCKSHUTT 1955 TRACTOR, rebuilt motor. 905-774-3392. HACKSAWS, power for cutting steel and a post drill. 519-699-5399 or 519357-5497. 1950 MH 22, w/ loader, good shape, stored inside, $1000, OBO. Straffordville. 519-866-3638. COCA COLA ROD IRON SHELF, 56” high x 28” wide, 3 shelfs, $550. 519-6829015 or 519-792-4848. JD MAGNETOS, for 2cyl tractors, w/ hot spark. 519-717-1202. JD 60 HEAD, & JD D head w/ new valves, guides & seats. 519-717-1202. COCKSHUTT 550, gas, runs good, $2500. 613-489-3817 or 613-875-3814. JD 3020 TRACTOR, diesel, w/ 3pth, narrow front wheels, 1 set of hydraulics, engine heater. 6287 hrs, very good paint & rubber. 519-621-2639. LATE MODEL QUEEN ELIZABETH STYLE BUGGY, 4 seater, redone, exc cond. Call if interested. 519-365-5725. 3 DOCTORS HORSE BUGGIES, plus western style stagecoach, open for offers b/c they need restored. 519-3655725. 1950 JD M, exc cond. 1952 JD AR, great cond, 1936 JD unstyled AR. 519-7171202. 1956 AC WD45, w/ hyd loader, 3pth, runs well, overall good shape, $4100. Call Rob 613-222-6870. 1949 FORD 8N, completely restored, w/ 2 furrow plow, all redone, show ready, good tires, $5495. 519-319-5008. LITTER CARRIER TRACK BUCKET, new cond. 519-766-9512. 2 COCKSHUTT 40 WHEEL WEIGHTS, $200. 519-538-2268. GIBSON TRACTOR, running cond, modified elec start, c/w single row mould board plow. 613-476-6191. MCCORMICK DEERING BALE LOADER, hard to find. McCormick Deering silo filler, belt driven. All stored inside. No texts. 705-328-8159. 1973 JD 2130, w/ cab, 146 front end loader, exc shape, $14900. 519-3195008. DAVID BROWN 885, gas, for parts or project. 519-803-1537. BLACKSMITH ANVIL, good cond, w/ horn, $825. 705-799-6922. COCKSHUTT 30, runs good. 519-3796447.