Ag Buyer's Guide | March 2024

148 Ontario | March 2024 TOOTH, to build a drainage plow. 519368-7778. CIH 6500 CONSERTILL SOIL SAVER, 9 shank, $5500, OBO. 705-793-1844. NO Sunday calls please! JD 2800 PLOW, 6 furrow, Vari-Width, furrow straightener, $1500. 705-7933457. CIH 730 PLOW, vari width, 5 furrow, $3000, OBO. JD 2000 5x16 PLOW, $1500, OBO. 519-323-4393. KONGSKILDE-OVERUM 5010 PLOW, 4 furrow, 16”, can be manually adjusted. 519-227-4391. KONGSKILDE 300 SERIES PLOW, 4 furrow, good cond. 519-666-1978. CIH 7500 PLOW, 5 furrow, vari-width, $3500. 519-323-1497. KONGSKILDE PLOW, 5 furrow. 519383-4343. TURNCO PACKER, 10’, $1500. 519-3452739. 2000 FLEXI-COIL PACKER, 30’, $13000. Pics on 613-229-5560. V-DITCHER, 3pth, 7’ width, exc cond, $1000, OBO. Stevensville. 905-382-7178. DEGELMAN 570 ROCK PICKER, 3 bat, ground drive, hyd, clutch, new hoses and stone curtain. 613-478-9944. WEBERLANE CORN SCUFFLER, 4R, $600. 519-638-3582. SPROCKET PACKER, 12’, good shape. 519-666-1978. CROWFOOT PACKER, 12’ w/ transport wheels, $3600, OBO. 519-526-7121. WESTERN CULTIPACKER, 10’ &12’, $1200 & $1500, take yor pick. 519-8332139. DIAMOND HARROWS, 6 sections w/ a bar. 519-323-1466. LILLISTON SCUFFLER, good cond. 647984-6364. BRILLON 10’ 4” TRANS PACKER, complete w/ 16” notched wheels, cyl & hoses, complete rebuild & painted. 519271-8839. ROLLERS, drum style, 3 pieces, 1-main, 2-pups, 28’, $900. 519-237-3485. COIL PACKERS, 34’, $9900. Pic on farms. com. 226-234-0933. KONGSKILDE SCUFFLER, 4R, 3pth, $950. 519-475-4021 or 519-788-0731. NEW OLD STOCK DOLLY WHEEL TONGUE KIT, to fit 10’-20’ land packer, complete w/ quick hitch tongue & single 20.5x8/10, 12 ply tire, new $1760 (2011) reasonable offer??? 519-2718839. RJ LAND LEVELER, 20’ & RJ PACKER, 24’. 519-383-4343. SALFORD ROLLING BASKETS, 2-4’, 1-6’, 4-5’. 519-871-5034. KUBOTA M7-151 PREMIUM PS, 4WD, cab, air, loader, 12” K-monitor, 2800hrs, $108000. 613-884-2996. CIH MAXXUM 125, 4WD, cab, air, 16x16 auto shift, 40K, loader, 113L/min hyd pump, 3 remotes, 1250hrs, $118000. 613-884-2996. JD 7520, 4WD, articulated, 16spd trans, 3 remotes, 3pth, 8900hrs, runs good, $12500. 705-273-2119. IH 3588 2+2 TRACTOR, for sale or trade for a smaller 4WD tractor w/ cab. 519327-4480. LANDING 85F TRACTOR, 4WD, cab, 80hp, diesel, good rubber, $11500 w/ snow blower. 519-276-8151. HT 404, 40hp, diesel, 4WD, brand new, w/ cab, 5hrs, $15500. 519-820-8184. JD 6410, 4WD, cab, $49000. 519-5957180. MF 481 TRACTOR, 75hp, 1600hrs, 4WD, cab. 289-228-3529. NH 8360, 4WD, cab, air, 4600hrs, new front tires, rear 14.9x46 axle duals. Retiring. 519-401-4304. 1999 FORD NH, 35hp, diesel, hydrostat, 4WD, mid PTO, rear PTO, 3pth, loader ready controls, asking $7900, OBO. 519820-8184. JD 6125M TRACTOR, 1700hrs, w/ Medal plus snow plow & Farm King 16’ bat wing mower, $132000. 519-661-7041. JD 7130, 4WD, 16 spd, open station, 3 remotes, 8200hrs, $52000. 519-6980599. 2014 JD 8310R TRACTOR, 6500hrs, 50k, IVT, 4 remotes, leather trim, 650 VF Michelin tires plus duals, No DEF, $210000. Moorefield, ON. 519-5772358. 2018 KUBOTA BX23STLB, 21.6hp eng, diesel, 17.7hp PTO, 418hrs, industrial tires, 4WD, loader equiped with 48” pin on bucket, backhoe w/ 12” bucket and 54” mower deck, like new! $30000. 705232-3491 or 705-232-4947. ROTARY HOES 7050 YETTER ROTARY HOE, 15’, exc spoons, rear screen & stand, 3pth. 519-6661978. SUNFLOWER DRAG HARROWS, 28’, 5 bar, w/ all mounting hardware, fair cond. 519-574-0549. JD MID-MOUNT LOADER VALVE, 6010-20 series, valve only, $1200. 519343-4370. MF 35, w/ loader, gas, very good cond, $5000. 613-489-3817 or 613-875-3814. JD 845 ROW CROP CULTIVATOR, 12R, 30”, w/ crop shields, folds. 519-9773335. JD 825 ORGANIC ROW CROP CULTIVATOR, 6R or 8R, w/ shields, spacing 20-30”. 519-326-3639. LILLISTON CULTIVATOR, 4 row, spider cultivator. 905-308-1351. SUKUP 9400 CULTIVATOR, 12R, single shank. 519-521-0329. AERWAY, 20’, Husky dragline setup complete w/ flowmeter, tines at 80 %, good shape, ready to work. 905-5416170. ROW CROP CULTIVATORS 7060 VERTICAL TILLAGE 7070 DAWN PLURIBUS 12R, w/ 9ton Montag cart & scale, hyd up/down pressure, guage wheels, big tires & tank, weight brackets (NO weights), Trimble rate control (separate), <1500 acres, NO markers, $265000. 519-617-0710. ROLLER PRO FIELD PACKERS 36” drum, 10’-32’ wide, hyd fold. Order for spring delivery. Kenilworth. 519-261-0488. 3, 4, 5, 6 BAR FLEX HARROWS 16” TINES GREEN BUSH HARROWS MARVIN WIDEMAN HARRISTON, ON 519-338-3505 CALL FOR PRICING OTHER 7090 TRACTORS 4WD 8100 2019 FARMALL 140A tier 4, 137hrs, 16-8 power shuttle, 18.4/38 Michelin radials, 3 remotes, rear weights, w/ L106 loader. 519-827-7699. LOADER TRACTORS 8200