www.Farms.com/Classifieds 123 November 2024 | Ontario BEAR CAT HAMMER MILL, 17”, PTO, on wheels, w/ blower for silo. No Sunday Calls. 519-669-5384. FARM KING GRAIN ROLLER, for sale. 705-944-5568. LUCKNOW 525 TMR MIXER, trailer model, left hand auger discharge, scales, $11200, OBO. 519-356-0015. LUCKNOW AUGER DISCHARGE CHUTE, like new cond. Make an offer! 519-356-0015. PATZ 1200-615 VERTICAL TMR MIXER, stationary unit, w/ scales & knives, very good cond. 519-698-2616. VALMETAL BM 170 STATIONARY MIXER, w/ elec scale. 519-664-2987. NH 357 MIX MILL, $3100. 519-6692331. NH 353 GRINDER/MIXER w/ intake auger, 13’ discharge, heavy 100hp driveline, 16” mill, first corner of the hammers, 4 cattle & hog screens, good 11L14 tires, very tidy little unit in exc shape, $8500. 519-529-7765. GEHL 100 GRINDER/MIXER good cond, all four sides of the hammer square, intake auger, 10’ unload, fully hyd machine, 540 RPM PTO, 3 hog & cattle screens, $9000. Lucknow Area. 519-529-7765. very good cond, all four sides of the hammer square, intake auger, 10’ unload, fully hyd machine, 540 RPM PTO, 3 hog & cattle screens, $11500. Lucknow Area. 519-529-7765. LIQUID MANURE TANK AERATION SYSTEMS Start Composting and Avoid Costly Agitation. Systems for any size tanks aerated with volume blower and controlled with electronic valves. Very competitive pricing. Owen Bauman 519-897-0340. FEEDERS/ WATERERS/BARN EQUIPMENT 6560 HOULE STABLE CLEANER TRANS, like new, $4500. 705-563-8208. SS WATER PIPES, 36” for hog water nipples, w/ ss wall brackets, $25. 705428-5303. MILK TANK, 2900L. Cooling system, 2-fans. Everything in the milk house for milking cows. 519-482-3097. CATTLE FEEDER, 4x12’, wood, roof, for sm sq bales, on oak skids, BO. 519-6834672. MULLER MILK COOLER, 2000gal, 5hp condensor & wash controls, $20000. 613-229-5560. 2 TOMBSTONE HORSE HAY FEEDERS, 8’ diameter, all in good shape, $500/ea. Cash only. 519-940-6976. BASKET FEEDER, needs repair, $50, OBO. 519-484-2985. DBL 8 WESTFALIA MILKING PARLOUR IQ MILKERS, crowd gate, complete setup, $30000. 613-229-5560. CACKELLAC SHELTERS, new for 2018, small shelters for your backyard for chickens or pets, room for 8-1 chickens. 519-501-2604. NATURAL RUBBER MATS, 12”/96”W, 13’ 7” L, 1.5”/2.5” thick, ideal for cow mats, milking parlours, horse stalls, horse prep stations & work bench. Lucan & Exeter. 519-878-0083. FEEDER GRAZING WAGON, for sale. 519-504-1086. WOODS GRAIN GRINDER, 3hp, 550V 1hp motor w/ attached gear box. 519475-4388. STONE CATTLE TATTOO PLIERS, rotating head, complete w/ 12 digits, $50. 226-388-4360. PATZ BARN CLEANER DRIVE UNIT, RH. 519-293-3420. FEED TANK, 8 ton, hopper bottom, blower filler pipe, $3000. Manitoulin Island. 705-282-3718. TRANSMISSION & MOTOR, for stable cleaner. 519-482-3097. COW SHOW EQUIP, leather halter, aluminum & steel fitting chute, blower, 4H show equip. 519-504-1086. 10-SS FEEDERS, Circle B outdoor feeders. SS 4 hole Franklin waterers. 2 10 ton hopper bins. 613-378-2255. USED ROUND PIG FEEDERS, some steel, some plastic. 519-291-4108. LIQUID FAB TANKS, heated, 6 ton. 519-274-4180. RETIRING FROM COW/CALF, calf puller, dehorners and barn fans etc. Mount Forest Area. 519-323-2087. 4 HAY FEEDERS, $50-$300. Mount Forest Area. 519-323-2087. WIC STRAW CHOPPER, small square bales. 226-228-7588. MILK PARLOUR, hyd drive, crowd gate, fits 32’ wide area, $7500. 613-229-5560. LIVESTOCK EQUIP, 5 heating lamps, big red light, for in the barn, 15 water bowls for drinkers in tye stalls. 519482-3097. DBL 20 DAIRY/GOAT MILK PARLOUR FRON used for 5yrs, $1000. 519-3343326. 2-FARROWING CRATES, w/ floor & heaters. 519-525-8829. ALUMI-COOP CHICKEN SHELTER, 12’x24’, 3 years old, call for pricing. 519-323-9397. ROUND BALE FEEDER, 7.5’, good straight cond, $350. 519-615-0015. MILK BULK TANK, 1552L, exc shape, $1100. Leave message. 519-773-8154 ext 3. VALMETAL SILO UNLOADER, 14’, out of the silo. 519-671-1800. ESTATE DAIRY SUPPLIES, 205L barrel, washing detergent, soaps, etc. All 1/2 price. 519-462-2650. 2-CUMBERLAND FEED BINS, 16 ton, complete w/ ladder fill pipes, clear boot & flip cap, w/ fill auger, exc cond, $4000ea. 519-357-7410. 20’ PATZ surface drive silo unloader, complete with tripod, additional spare parts. 519–669–1102. BSM HOG FEEDERS, brand new, never used, 8 - 4’ single side. 905-9577506. MANURE HANDLING/ SPREADERS 6580 NUHN 12’ LIQUID MANURE INJECTOR $Call MINT CONDITION, 2020 MODEL, HOULE 6100 6” pipework, no intank agitation, top & bottom spread plate, no lift axle, no sand, 725/65-26 tires. $110,000. NEW PIPE CARTS 8, 10 & 12”. Call for your needs. HOULE REPLACEMENT PARTS, HOSE & HOSE COUPLERS In stock, LAY-FLAT HOSES 519-669-5772 WEST MONTROSE