www.Farms.com/Classifieds 123 February 2025 | Ontario CALVING MATERNITY PEN, square, as new. 519-504-1086. CATTLE HEAD GATE, w/ crate. 519323-2087. INT 1250 GRINDER/MIXER, stored inside, exc cond, $8500. Call or text 705340-3193. FARMATIC HAMMERMILL, 5hp, 1 ton plastic hopper bin, steel & flex augers; various sizes. 613-378-2255. AUTOMATIC ROLLER MILL, 1200 PTO drive, newer rolls, $3000. 519-6640886. RAYTEK 2800 CORN PROCESSOR, for sale. 519-664-0886. 3 - DELAVAL MU 480 AUTO DETACHERS, approx 4yrs old, only used 3yrs, $3600 or $1450ea. 519-669-1365. MILK COOLER, 800gal, w/ auto wash & Mueller cooling unit. 519-291-7258. BASKET FEEDER, needs repair, $50, OBO. 519-484-2985. CACKELLAC SHELTERS, new for 2018, small shelters for your backyard for chickens or pets, room for 8-1 chickens. 519-501-2604. NATURAL RUBBER MATS, 12”/96”W, 13’ 7” L, 1.5”/2.5” thick, ideal for cow mats, milking parlours, horse stalls, horse prep stations & work bench. Lucan & Exeter. 519-878-0083. HOULE STABLE CLEANER TRANS, like new, $4500. 705-563-8208. SS WATER PIPES, 36” for hog water nipples, w/ ss wall brackets, $25. 705428-5303. MILK TANK, 2900L. Cooling system, 2-fans. Everything in the milk house for milking cows. 519-482-3097. CATTLE FEEDER, 4x12’, wood, roof, for sm sq bales, on oak skids, BO. 519-6834672. MULLER MILK COOLER, 2000gal, 5hp condensor & wash controls, $20000. 613-229-5560. LIVESTOCK EQUIP, 5 heating lamps, big red light, for in the barn, 15 water bowls for drinkers in tye stalls. 519-4823097. FEED TANK, 8 ton, hopper bottom, blower filler pipe, $3000. Manitoulin Island. 705-282-3718. TRANSMISSION & MOTOR, for stable cleaner. 519-482-3097. 19 BSM STAINLESS WET DRY FEEDERS, SS, 3’ wide, 42” height, all dividers strengthend & rewelded, $500. 519200-2167. 2-CANARM COVERED WATER BOWLS, energy free, model EF-88C, $1200. 613-229-5560. FEED RITE FEEDER BIN, 5 ton, on wheels. 519-323-9935. 20’ PATZ surface drive silo unloader, complete with tripod, additional spare parts. 519–669–1102. COW SHOW EQUIP, leather halter, aluminum & steel fitting chute, blower, 4H show equip. 519-504-1086. STONE CATTLE TATTOO PLIERS, rotating head, complete w/ 12 digits, $50. 226-388-4360. USED ROUND PIG FEEDERS, some steel, some plastic. 519-291-4108. LIQUID FAT TANKS, heated, 6 ton. 519274-4180. RETIRING FROM COW/CALF, calf puller, dehorners and barn fans etc. Mount Forest Area. 519-323-2087. 2-FARROWING CRATES, w/ floor & heaters. 519-525-8829. ALUMI-COOP CHICKEN SHELTER, 12’x24’, 3 years old, call for pricing. 519323-9397. HAY ROUND BALE FEEDER, $50 (rough). Mount Forest Area. 519-3232087. VALMETAL SILO UNLOADER, 14’, out of the silo. 519-671-1800. 2-CUMBERLAND FEED BINS, 16 ton, complete w/ ladder fill pipes, clear boot & flip cap, w/ fill auger, exc cond, $4000ea. 519-357-7410. DELAVAL MILKER CARRYING TRACK, complete track system around a tie stall barn for 50 cows. Best offer. 519475-4565. 2 USED LELY A3 ROBOT MILKERS, for sale. 519-595-4519. FIBERGLASS HOOD, off a Patz stable cleaner. 613-913-7534. FEEDING EQUIP, 8bu rotary grain feeder, 3’ diameter hay & grain feeders, 4’ long V hay feeders, 10gal poly stock tanks, sheep weigh scales, feed cart. 705-487-2619. FAN WIND DEFLECTOR, 36”, chinese hat, w/ 3-SS brackets, $50. 519-3577410. 13 CALF HUTCHES, $200ea. 613-2295560. DEHORNER, for sale. 519-323-1466. NUHN 1/2 TON FEED MIXER, 5hp motor & scales. Kerwood. 519-857-3651. FARM KING GRAIN ROLLER, for sale. 705-944-5568. LUCKNOW 525 TMR MIXER, trailer model, left hand auger discharge, scales, $10200, OBO. 519-356-0015. LUCKNOW AUGER DISCHARGE CHUTE, like new cond. Make an offer! 519-356-0015. PATZ 1200-615 VERTICAL TMR MIXER, stationary unit, w/ scales & knives, very good cond. 519-698-2616. NH GRINDER/MIXER, mechanical load. 519-698-2682 or 519-698-0484. ELECTRIC OAT ROLLER, for sale. 519475-4388. BUHLER HAMMER MILL, rotor approx 28” wide by 56” swing, was electric powered but told can be PTO power, very big capacity, can be used for feed, wood or dog food. Best offer over $5000. pure@bell.net GEHL 100 GRINDER/MIXER good cond, all four sides of the hammer square, intake auger, 10’ unload, fully hyd machine, 540 RPM PTO, 3 hog & cattle screens, $9000. Lucknow Area. 519-529-7765. very good cond, all four sides of the hammer square, intake auger, 10’ unload, fully hyd machine, 540 RPM PTO, 3 hog & cattle screens, $11500. Lucknow Area. 519-529-7765. FEED GRINDERS /MIXERS 6540 FEEDERS/ WATERERS/BARN EQUIPMENT 6560 MANURE HANDLING/ SPREADERS 6580 NH 679 MANURE SPREADER tandem axle & end gate, pinto apron chain, upper beater, unit in decent shape, many new parts in last 5yrs, both beaters gear box & gear box shaft, local unit, $6500. 519‑529‑7765. NH 511 MANURE SPREADER, A1 cond, $3200, OBO. 905-734-4033. NH 520 MANURE SPREADER, exc cond. 519-669-0791.