Ag Buyer's Guide | January 2025

112 Ontario | January 2025 WIN POWER 15-25 GENERATOR, PTO, on a 2 wheel trailer, works good. 519638-2150. CUMMINS GENERTATOR, 2cyl, in mobile trailer, needs circuit board, $2500. Evenings & Weekends. No text. 519461-0274. GENERAC GM ENGINE, 4cyl, 3 phase, ex US army, $5000. Evenings & Weekends. No text. 519-461-0274. 2-50KW COMBINED CHP GENERATORS, 2G Energietechnik - Gbox 50, manufactured in Germany & never been installed, new & have no running time, winterized every year, c/w full noise enclosure, No delivery, must be willing to transport, $65500ea, OBO(reasonable). 519-826-0439 x570. KUBOTA & YANMAR REEFER ENGINES, 22hp, good running cond, $1400ea or quantity discount avail. 519-699-4108. WANTED: Continental G176 engine, gas, to fit MF 65, pref running. 807-475-4726. NEW GENERATOR SETS Perkins engine / Stamford generators. Call for pricing TNT Stand-By Power 519-237-3641. DIESEL GENERATORS 208/480 volt, 3306 Turbo Caterpillar. Please contact TNT Stand-by Power 519-237-3641. SWARTZENTRUBER’S ENGINE SHOP Honda Kohler Brigg Engine Replacement Garden Tractor’s Skid Steer Tillers Rental Equipment & More Honda Pressure Washers Hot & Cold Honda Water Pumps 1” 3” Open Monday Wednesday Friday 264859 Maple Dell Rd Norwich ON N0J 1P0 TRANSFER SWITCH, 200amp, single phase, $50. 519-356-0015. LIVESTOCK/POULTRY/ PETS BEEF CATTLE 1610 CUSTOM MEAT BUTCHERING, beef/ pork/wild game. Gerber Meats. 519699-4441. RED ANGUS BULLS, 1-2 yr old & yearlings. White/black faced baldies. 519504-1086. GALLOWAYS, male & females - Blacks, Duns, Red, Belted. After 8pm. 905-6894123. WANTED: 12-15 Hereford cows, prefer w/ calves. Evenings. 905-983-9331. LIMOUSIN – Young homegrown breeding bulls for sale. Double & homo polled, thick, well muscled, quiet. Semen tested. Embryos for sale. Yearlings available. Delivery available. Posthaven Limousin. John Post 519766-7178. John Jr. 519-831-1869 www. 4 BOUMATIC FLO STAR MILKERS, companion unit, plus fresh cow buckets w/ top, complete, $4000. 705-5638208. WANTED: Looking for Holstein heifer calves, any age and bred/open heifers. 519-802-7105. REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULLS, from high record dams. Service age. Also fresh Holstein cows. Delivery avail. McIntosh Holsteins. Call 519-535-4341. WANTED: Any breed of heifers. 519497-1810. BLACK ANGUS, bulls, bred heifers & cows for sale. Moderate framed, high marbling, easy keeping bloodlines. Fully vaccinated & very quiet. Ideal grass fed genetics. Heartwood Farms. 705652-1201. MCKAGUE CHAROLAIS BULLS, registered pure bred, yearlings, polled, semen tested, good natured. Open & bred heifers avail. Wingham. 519-3573808. GAME BIRD & POULTRY EQUIP, brooders, debeaker, netting. 1/2” mesh welded wire cage equip. 519-542-9417. 8 ROBERTS GORDON HEATER HEADS, with first pipes (100000 btu), for parts, $800. 519-343-4370. WANTED: Norsol electronics barn ventilation controllers, model WRF 1AB. 519-343-4370. 3-REGISTERED RAMS & EWES AVAIL, also F1 1DF fully vaccinated ewe lambs avail. 226-752-7170. WESTERN SADDLES, including a Calgary Stampede trophy saddle. 226222-4782. ANVIL BRAND, (hoof trimmer knives), Plus other farrier tools, new. 519-5753459. ANTIQUE ROPING SADDLE, 16” seat, has been upgraded over the years, good solid saddle, $500. 519-785-1905. HORSE STALLS, 10’x10’ & 12’x12’ horse stalls in stock. Custom sizes & welding avail. 519-535-1312. WHIPPLETREE, for 3 horse team, never used, $200. 519-622-1932. HORSE COLLARS, scotch tops, leather chrome show harness, show wagon. 519-845-3813. 6 HORSE COLLARS, 24” - 28”. 613-9895211. OLD STYLE LEATHER RACE OR DRIVING HARNESS, good cond, $200. Also Jog cart, $400. Orangeville, ON. 519215-0369. CARRIAGE PAIRS HORSE HARNESS, exc cond, leather, complete w/ tan lines, 20” black collars, chrome hames & fittings, $700. 519-449-3504 or 905220-1716. SADDLES, Western Saddle (Dark Leather) 17”, exc cond, $500. Western Saddle (Suede Light Beige), 15”, exc cond, $400. English Saddle (Light Brown Leather) 16” EXSELLE, exc cond, $500. English Saddle (Black Leather), 16” exc cond, $350. English Saddle (Brown Leather) 16”, well used, $150. Leather Saddle Bags (Black), full size exc cond, $50. Fabric Saddle Bags (Black), small size, good cond, $15. Training Surcingle, $25. Cash Only. 519-940-6976. FALL FAIR SPECIAL, show wagon & set of dbl harness. Cash Only. 519-9406976. HORSE ITEMS, Small horse drawn sleigh, 1 seat w/ platform behind. 2 wheeled cart, pony or cob size, 2-horse drawn discs, 12 plate & 16 plate. 519458-8756. MISC HORSE ACCESSORIES, assort of Western headstalls, halters, saddle pads and horse blankets, assort of wood, steel neck yokes, whippletrees and singletrees, single draft horse harness, like new, nylon, fits 1 ton horses, single nylon halflinger harness, set of team harness, fits up to 1600lbs, single cob size biothane driving harness and single leather driving harness, all like new, Dakota cutting horse saddle, 16” seat,1 used horse collar, 22”, 2- Scotch top horse collars, 20” & 21”, exc cond. 519-458-8756. POLE, for team buggy, steel hames. 613-989-5211. NYLON DELUXE TEAM HARNESS, A-1 shape, like new, lots of chrome, $1200. 905-774-9242. LRG AMOUNT OF STANDARDBRED HARNESS, 3 slant gooseneck Sundowner horse trailer, $20000. Text 905772-0027. NYLON TEAM HARNESSES, fits 1600 - 2200lbs, complete w/ 25 -27 adj collars & bridles, very good cond, $1100, OBO. 226-388-4360. NEW SET OF SLOOP SLEIGHS, complete, call for sizes. 613-256-1563. WEB HARNESS, for light drafts, adj collars, team lines, like new. 519-786-4372. DAIRY CATTLE 1620 HORSE STALLS 10’x10’ & 12’x12’ horse stalls in stock. Custom sizes & welding avail. 519-535-1312. HORSES 1630 POULTRY 1660 SHEEP & GOATS 1670