www.Farms.com/Classifieds 115 January 2025 | Ontario CUSTOM MADE FABRIC COVERS/ CURTAINS ETC, for buildings & misc applications. Lindsay Area. 705-7932721. No Sunday call please. CUSTOM MEAT BUTCHERING, beef/ pork/wild game. Gerber Meats. 519699-4441. TOWNSLEY BARN PAINTING – All farm buildings & houses, seamless eaves troughing, liquid rubber coatings, waterproofing, metal, concrete, wood, foam, and bin flooring sealing. Serving Ontario since 1955. Call 519859-0097 or 519-871-0300 townsleypainting@hotmail.com RATS! MORE RULE CHANGES! - SGS Pest Management agricultural pest control specialists. Service & supplies. 1-800-736-9747 www.sgspestmanagement.ca SB TRAILER RENTALS, daily and weekly options avail. St Clements Area. Call or text Stanley. Leave message for best response. 519-496-4322. FRUIT PLANTS, Blackberry, Saskatoon, Honeyberry, Jostaberry. 226-374-5554. PECAN SEEDLING TREES, Shagbark hickory trees & Catalpa. $5-$20. Shipping extra. Sarnia Area. 519-542-9417. NUT TREES: Profitable hazelnuts, grafted heartnuts, sweet chestnuts, plus 12 other kinds for orchard or woodlot. Native species: like Pawpaw and hickory. Berry bushes: Arctic Kiwi, Saskatoon Berry, Elderberry, Haskap. Catalogue: www.Grimonut.com 905-934-6887. Shipping available. TRANSPLANTING TREES - up to 10” trunk diameter w/10,000 lb. root ball. 44”, 80”, 90” & 100” tree spades. Transplant on your property or we have 100ac. of trees up to 25’ tall for sale. OXFORD INSTA-SHADE, Burgessville. 1-800-387-0246. Jan Veldhuizen. Email: jan@oxfordinstashade.com www.oxfordinstashade.com OLDER WOODEN WHEELBARROW, w/ removable sides, $120. Sundridge Area. 705-384-5505. HOP RHIZOMES, 2 for $5. 519-8821220. GREENHOUSE PLASTIC, 3 lrg rolls, 6 mil, 20 x 200’, 40 x 200’, half price of retail. pure@bell.net CANNABIS/HOPS DRYER, drys 20lbs overnight, asking $200. 519-882-1220. WHITE YARROW & LAMBS EAR PLANTS, organically sourced, spray free. Tillsonburg Area. 519-643-6474. FROZEN APPLE JUICE & APPLE SAUCE, for sale. 519-669-3541. BARTH/HOLLAND TILING MACHINE, GM diesel motor, for parts of fix up, $7500, OBO. 519-617-6683. WATKINS DRAINAGE – Over 10 years service. Licensed drainage contractor. Topographic mapping, drainage design and install, utility locating. Serving Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk & Niagara. 905-229-0060 www.WatkinsDrainage. com CUSTOM SERVICES 4040 DRAINAGE 4060 PAINTING & COATINGS 4140 CRONIN POURED CONCRETE LTD. Since 1976. Liquid manure tanks to 200’. Heights of 8’-14’ (1-pour). All jobs engineered specifications/inspections - guaranteed. BEST firm quote in Ontario. Mark Cronin Cell 519-274-5000. www.croninpouredconcrete.ca CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION 4020 SERVICES & CONTRACTING ROTARY SEED CLEANER, for sale. 519638-3207. WANTED: Large square bales of 2nd & 3rd cut hay w/ high content of young Timothy or Orchard grass, also small bales in bundle form of same, must be good green colour for export with limited treatment. 416-464-2373. OTHER 3590 SB TRAILER RENTALS daily and weekly options avail. St Clements Area. Call or text Stanley. Leave mes‑ sage for best response. 519‑496‑4322. Specializing in on Farm Pest Management Serving Southwestern ON, Golden Horseshoe, GTA Email: info@sgsltd.ca 519-692-4232 www.sgspestmanagement.ca PEST CONTROL 4150 OTHER 4190 NURSERY/GARDEN TREES & SHRUBS10010 VEGETABLES 10020 FLOWERS 10030 OTHER 10090 ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENTS 5000 KENVILLE WELDING 519-323-4393 7435 Sideroad 6 East, Kenilworth ON N0G 2E0 ORDER NOW FOR 2025 BALE GRAPPLE FOR BALE BARON GRAPPLES FOR SMALL SQUARE BALE BUNDLES STRAW SPREADERS STRAW SPREADERS FOR CHICKEN BARNS BALES SPEARS 3 OR 4 PRONG BALE SPEARS W/ HYDRAULIC FOLDING TINES FOR ROAD SAFETY