www.Farms.com/Classifieds 121 January 2025 | Ontario Raytek RT-390 DEMO, Rotary Corn Heads, JD & NH mounts. $29,900 Case IH 600 Forage Blower $2,900 Dion S-55 Forage Blower $3,900 NH# 72 Bale Thrower, low acres $1,790 FORAGE BLOWER BAND, for sale. 519504-1086. 3-SELF UNLOADING FORAGE BOXES, on good gears; Dion 1500, no roof, $1700. Int, tandem w/ forage box, w roof, $2300. Jiffy hi dump, on HD tandem wagon, $3300. NH forage box, good wagon, $1700. 519-758-4183. NH FORAGE WAGON, & Dion forage wagon. 519-281-7174. IH 56 FORAGE BLOWER, very good band, $800. 519-699-0760. HD BUSH HOG, 1-wing mower, $4500. 519-919-0894. IHC ROTARY HOES, one 3pth, other is carrier. 519-360-0312. JD ROTARY HOE, pull/lift, 4 section, 13’, 4” wide, $600, OBO. 519-490-1842. JD LT160, 42” deck. 519-338-2453. B&S LEAF BLOWER, 11hp, vacuum, trailer avail. After 8pm. 905-689-4123. CIH 8312 DISCBINE, center pivot, 12’, $8500. 705-273-1666. 2008 MACDON R80 MOWER, 13’, centre pivot, hyd tilt, draw bar swivel hitch, steel rollers, $12000. 613-345-1655. Leave message. PICKETT 1 STEP C8030-8 BAR WINDROWER, 2002, 20’, w/ cushion & belly shanks, complete dividing equip, w/ weight bracket for JD 7420. Also, 2 extra cushion shanks & rebuilt com tracks w/ new rods & points, cylinders on guage wheels, $25000, OBO. Pics on Farms.com 519-818-8859. 1980 VERSATILE 400 SWATHER, hydrostatic drive, 12’ draper head, $1600. 705-428-2305. ROCK-O-MATIC WINDROWER, 20’, $2500. 613-387-3895. 5-NH HAYBINES, whole or for parts. After 8pm. 905-689-4123. NI 290 HAYBINE & HAYBINE HEADER, header has good rollers, $600. 519364-1514. NH 478 HAYBINE, 7’ wide. NH 268 HAYLINER BALER, small sq bales. Pequea hay tedder, 8’. Befco hay rake, 3pth, has 3 large wheels. 2-FLAT BED HAY WAGONS, HD racks, 6’x8’, chain link grass harrows, 12’. All in exc cond. 519-4588756. NH 404 HAY CONDITIONER, $1500. 519-577-7155. JD 735 MOWER CONDITIONER, 2pth, w/ flail conditioner, $10500. 519-5952215. WANTED: JD 735, 835, 945 or 946 mower conditioner, w/ roller conditioner. 519-595-2215. FINISHING MOWER, 5’. 613-852-7351. JD 800 SWATHER, 12’ cut, $1300. 519375-1387. JD RUBBER CONDITIONER ROLLS, like new, fits JD 535, 635 735 & 835 machines, $1500, OBO. 519-261-0488. STRAW CHOPPER FOR JD 4400 COMBINE, for sale. 519-503-0344. No Saturday calls. NH CROP CHOPPER, parting out. 519504-1086. NI HAY LOADER, 6 bar, on steel wheels, $2000. John Miller, 284376 Daniel Rd, Mount Elgin, N0J 1N0. ALLIED STOOKER, 6 bale, good cond, $500, OBO. 519-289-5775. NH 72 THROWER, $1500. 519-3234361. 2 - NEW HAVESTORE BREATHER BAGS, 25’ diameter. 613-913-7534. PLASTIC NET WRAP/PLASTIC BALE WRAP, big square bale twine, CPS product, skid lots only. 519-504-1086. BALER TWINE, 4000’, bundles of 2. 905-308-1351. KUBOTA BALE WRAPPER, model WR1400, trail type (wraps single bales), w/ side loading arm, rear bale offset tipper, done only 175 bales, like new, $23000, OBO, will take trade. 705-9576806. JD 120 STALK SHREDDER, 20’, 1000 rpm, $9500. 519-580-8473. TEAGLE TOMAHAWK 550 BALE PROCESSOR, uses large round or square bales, mint condition, used at couple of times, $20000. Bradford Area. 905806-7163. WIC BALE PROCESSOR, or straw chopper, uses small sq bales, $1200. Bradford Area. 905-806-7163. M&W V RAKE, 18 wheel. 519-5297356. NEW TINES, for Niemeyer tedder, 8 right, 3 left. No Sunday calls. Call or text 519-536-6594. BIS CO RAKE, 3pth, 2 wheel reel, in exc cond, $500, OBO. 519-504-1086. NI 402 RAKE, side delivery, always shedded, $2500. Mildmay Area. 519240-1188. 2018 VERMEER VR1428 RAKE, 14 wheel, plastic in the wheels & center kicker wheels, good cond, $24000. Milverton, ON. Pics on Farms.com. 519501-0773. RARE COCKSHUTT RAKE, side del, on steel wheels. 519-682-9015 or 519-7924848. FORD 513 ROLLER BAR RAKE, $900, OBO. 519-482-9902. H&S HAY MERGER, 9’ PU, new belts, $7000, OBO. No Sunday calls. 705-7931844. POTTINGER 800 MULTI TAST RAKE, 11’ rotors, good, faded, $8500. 705273-1085. WOODS 72 BRUSHBULL, exc cond, $2900. 519-847-5715. BUSH HOG, HD, 6’, 3pth, exc cond, $1900. 519-901-0787. FMC ROTARY DITCHER 540, PTO, excellent, $2800. 905-892-3326. MOWER CONDITIONERS /WINDROWERS 6350 RAKES/TEDDERS 6355 ROTARY MOWERS /SICKLE MOWER 6360 2014 PICUS STRAW CHOPPER Skid Loader Mount, chops round bales up to 56” diameter or 3x4 square bales, reconditioned with new knives, Delivery included to most of Ontario. $8750. Picus Inc., 613-758-9902. STALK CHOPPERS /FLAIL MOWERS 6370 OTHER 6390 LAWN & GARDEN OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT 6400 RIDING LAWN MOWERS 6420