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2023 Great Ontario Yield Tour underway

2023 Great Ontario Yield Tour underway

Corn and soybean crops in surprisingly great shape!

By Denise Faguy

“Despite a dry May and June, crops are surprising to the top side,” Risk Management Chief Commodity Strategist Moe Agostino told “Crops are looking much better than expected, it might be another record breaking year.”

According to Henry Prinzen, chief agronomist for Maizex and the tour “the biggest concern is maturity in corn.  It’s the first year in 8 years where we have both mature and immature corn in the same field from different seed varieties. Some corn is at least 1-2 weeks behind and we need to avoid a frost in September if we are going to get good yields.”

Experts Moe Agostino, Heny Prinzen, and Alpine Agronomy Manager Steve McQueen having been touring farms over the past several days, and with the assistance of TerraNova UAV’s Andres Hurtado they have been taking an in-depth look at corn and soybean crops across Ontario.  They are impressed with the potential yields they are seeing.

The Great Ontario Yield Tour also has a team of scouts visiting farms across Ontario throughout the tour. The experts and scouts have been visiting farms, “data volunteers”, who volunteered to have soybean and corn counts conducted in their fields. These counts will help the experts predict yields for corn and soybeans for the 2023 planting season.

Farmers who volunteered to have their fields in the count will receive a personal yield report card with insights on lessons learned during the 2023 growing season at the end of the tour.

As in previous years, the Great Ontario Yield Tour will feature two in-person wrap-up events.

  • The first one will take place on Aug. 24 at Derks Elevator in Chesterville, Ont.
  • The second will happen on Aug. 31 at Discovery Farm Woodstock, home of Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.

Both events will provide farmers in attendance with the opportunity to hear from experts at seven demonstrations or sessions:

  • Alpine – ALPINE Bio-K, Amplifying Crop Potential
  • Maizex – Weathering the Weather with Hybrid Management
  • Advanced Grain Handling Systems – The ups and downs of grain conveying
  • Case IH – Connected Farming with CASE IH
  • GPS Ontario – Is your soil nutrient rich or a nutrient desert?
  • TerraNova UAV – The 2023 growing season from the air: Lessons learned and 2024 outlook
  • Koch Agronomic Services – Nitrogen Stabilizers – Trench Warfare

Event attendees will also have the chance to hear from the following experts during the final presentations at the delicious BBQ lunch:

  • Daniel Quinn - Intensive Corn Management: Why Grain Fill Duration and Kernel Weight Accumulation is Essential. (Chesterville event)
  • Timothy Laatsch & Bryce Geisel - How Secure is your Nitrogen Vault? (Woodstock event)
  • Risk Management - Moe Agostino - 2023 Grain Market & Basis Outlook
  • 2023 Ontario Yield Tour Results - Moe Agostino, Steve McQueen and Henry Prinzen

Anyone looking for more information about the tour can visit the Risk Management website or call 888-248-4893, ext. 808.

Be sure to follow the tour on Twitter as well @FarmsMarketing and use the hashtag #ONyield23. .

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