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500+ organizations rally for farm bill update

Broad coalition presses for urgent farm bill passage


Recently formidable alliance of more than 500 organizations led by the American Farm Bureau Federation has delivered a united message to Congress - pass a new farm bill without delay.

This coalition represents a broad spectrum of interests including agriculture, environmental conservation, and rural development, reflecting the farm bill's extensive influence on various aspects of American life.

The groups’ collective letter to congressional leaders underscores the farm bill’s critical role in food production, environmental conservation, and economic stability across rural America. They caution that without swift action, a temporary extension could lead to indefinite postponements due to the political changes from the upcoming presidential election and the new Congress.

AFBF President Zippy Duvall emphasized the remarkable consensus among diverse organizations, highlighting the farm bill’s pivotal role in navigating current global challenges like the pandemic and inflation.

The coalition’s plea is for bipartisan commitment to forge a forward-looking farm bill that continues to secure America's food supply and supports sustainable practices. 

The urgency conveyed by these 500+ groups underscore the essential nature of the farm bill in maintaining the nation’s agricultural integrity and economic resilience.

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Research continues to reveal gaps in consumer awareness of farming practices and the tools used to grow food. This can lead to tighter regulations, increased costs, and less innovation and adoption of sustainable practices that improve food production and reduce environmental impact.

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