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Agricultural excellence in the Northern Plains

Oct 18, 2024

Key stats from the Northern Plains’ Ag sector


The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service highlights the Northern Plains Region, encompassing North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas, as a cornerstone of U.S. agriculture.  

The region is renowned for its expansive prairies, fertile soil, and significant contributions to national agriculture metrics, particularly in young producers and sales of key commodities. 

In North Dakota, young producers under 35 make up 11.3% of the total, ranking it third nationwide. It holds a prominent position in grain and oilseed sales, contributing to its $10.6 billion in total crop sales. 

South Dakota, with 10.5% of its agricultural producers under 35, ranks seventh in this demographic nationally. It also maintains strong positions in grain, oilseed, and livestock sales, demonstrating the state's agricultural diversity and economic importance. 

Nebraska’s agricultural prowess is evident with 11.2% of its producers under 35, placing it fourth in this category. It is a leader in both crop and livestock sales, with significant contributions from its grain and oilseed sectors. 

Kansas, though ranked sixteenth for young producers, distinguishes itself in livestock sales, particularly cattle and calves, underscoring its critical role in the agricultural sector. 

This regional profile, based on the latest agricultural census, shows the dynamic and vital role these states play in the broader national agricultural landscape. 

 For further insights and detailed data, the USDA’s website offers extensive resources and state-specific contacts for agricultural statistics.

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