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Alberta Canola looking for four board members

Alberta Canola looking for four board members

Producers must grow canola within a region to represent it on the board

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

The Alberta Canola Producers Commission is looking for members of its board of directors.

Directors are elected for a three-year term and can be re-elected for a second term.

Four current board members are completing their second terms and are not eligible for re-election.

Dan Doll is the outgoing board director for Region 1.

Region 1 includes:

(a) Clear Hills County;

(b) County of Northern Lights;

(c) Mackenzie County;

(d) Municipal District of Peace No. 135;

(e) Municipal District of Fairview No. 136;

(f) any city, town, village or summer village that is encompassed by the area described in clauses (a) to (e).

John Mayko is finishing his second term as director for Region 4.

This area includes:

(a) Beaver County;

(b) Strathcona County;

(c) County of Two Hills No. 21;

(d) County of Minburn No. 27;

(e) Lamont County;

(f) Improvement District No. 13 (Elk Island);

(g) any city, town, village or summer village that is encompassed by the area described in clauses (a) to (f).

Mike Ammeter is in his second term as director for Region 7 and is not eligible for re-election.

Region 7 covers:

(a) Ponoka County;

(b) County of Wetaskiwin No. 10;

(c) Lacombe County;

(d) Red Deer County;

(e) Clearwater County;

(f) any city, town, village or summer village that is encompassed by the area described in clauses (a) to (e).

And Cale Staden is the outgoing representative for Region 10.

This area includes:

(a) County of St. Paul No. 19;

(b) County of Vermilion River;

(c), (d) repealed AR 95/2013 s5;

(e) Municipal District of Wainwright No. 61;

(f) Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87;

(g) Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo;

(h) Lac La Biche County;

(i) Improvement District No. 24 (Wood Buffalo);

(i.1) Improvement District No. 349;

(j) any city, town, village or summer village that is encompassed by the area described in clauses (a) to (i).

“As a director of your region, you can ensure that the issues that you and your fellow growers face are a part of the conversation when decisions that shape our industry are made,” Mayko said.

Farmers who have grown canola in Alberta or are entitled to a share of canola grown in the province and have paid a levy to the commission on canola sold in the past two crop years are eligible for to be a director.

A farmer doesn’t have to live in the region they represent on the board but he or she must produce canola in the region.

Farmers who put their names forward must also include 10 endorsements in their nomination package.

The deadline for nominations is 4:00pm on October 31.

If a region has more than one candidate and an election is necessary, farmers in the region will receive ballots in the mail.

The new directors will begin their three-year terms in January 2023.

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