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Alberta SPCA takes over AFAC’s ALERT Line

Alberta SPCA takes over AFAC’s ALERT Line

Alberta Farm Animal Care ceased operations in early March

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

The Alberta SPCA will answer calls to Alberta Farm Animal Care’s (AFAC) ALERT Line.

The phone number, 1-800-506-2273, is available for people who have questions or concerns about livestock and animal welfare.

This change took effect on March 21 and is in response to AFAC’s closure.

AFAC announced the closure on March 1 citing a lack of resources.

AFAC reps are happy the ALERT Line will still be available to Albertans.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to sustain the ALERT Line though the support of the Alberta SPCA to ensure continuity for livestock and the people who care for them in the province,” AFAC Board Chair Merna Gisler said in a statement.

And the SPCA is ready to offer support to those who contact them through the ALERT Line.

“This is another great opportunity for the Alberta SPCA to connect with rural Albertans when they need us,” Doug Sawyer, chair of the Alberta SPCA board, said in a statement.

The ALERT Line will remain operational for the time being.

The Alberta SPCA is recommending Albertans and organizations transition contact information to the Alberta SPCA Animal Distress Line – 1-800-455-9003.

In 2022, AFAC’s ALERT Line received 100 calls, assisting more than 2,700 animals.

“Of those calls, 18 were information calls, 6 were about the Emergency Livestock Handling Equipment Trailers, and 76 were cases that needed further action,” AFAC said in its 2022 annual report. “25 cases were forwarded to the Alberta SPCA and 22 to the RCMP.”

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