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Answering questions about Manitoba's road rules for farm equipment

Answering questions about Manitoba's road rules for farm equipment
Aug 31, 2017
By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

Harvest time means more farm equipment will be present on provincial roads

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

A recent article tested farmers in Manitoba on their knowledge of road rules in the province when it comes to farm equiment.

So without any hesitation, here are the correct answers to the questions.

1. If a farmer operates a tractor or other self propelled-piece of equipment on a Manitoba road for travel to a repair shop, it requires a permit for exceeding the legal allowable width (2.60m).

True or False

The answer is false.

When a tractor or other self-propelled piece of equipment is travelling on Manitoba roads for repair or agricultural use, it does not require a permit, according to Manitoba Infrastructure.

2. Tractors must have an odometer.

True or False

The answer is false.

Tractors do not require an odometer, according to section 46 of Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act.

3. If driving a tractor across a bridge, you must lay down planks wide and thick enough to protect the surface of the bridge.

True or False

The answer is true.

The regulation is verified by section 69 of Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act.

4. The maximum speed for farm equipment in Manitoba is:

80 km/h
40 km/h
70 km/h
None of the above

The answer is 70 km/h

The regulation is verified by section 177 of Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act.

5. You don’t need a driver’s license to operate farm equipment.

True or False

The answer is false.

You must be at least 16 years old and have a valid Manitoba driver’s license to drive in the province, according to the Government of Manitoba.

6. If driving farm equipment after 8:00 p.m., you don’t need to wear a seatbelt.

True or False

The answer is false.

In Manitoba, by law, all drivers and passengers must wear a seat belt, according to the Government of Manitoba.

7. You must have a minimum of a Class5I (Intermediate Stage) license to operate a tractor or piece of farm equipment.

True or False

The answer is true.

The regulation is verified by the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation.

8. If your equipment or load is higher than 4.15 m (13’ 7”), you must acquire a permit from Manitoba Infrastructure.

True or False

The answer is true.

The rule is set out by Manitoba Infrastructure.

9. You’re allowed to smoke inside your farm equipment if someone under 16 is travelling with you.

True or False

The answer is false.

In Manitoba, smoking in vehicles when children under 16 are present is prohibited, according to the Government of Manitoba.

10. You may use your cellphone to make an emergency phone call when driving a tractor.

True or False

The answer is true.

The only time anyone can use their cell phones while operating any kind of motor vehicle is to call the police, fire department or an ambulance to report an emergency, according to section 215 of the Highway Traffic Act.

How many questions did you get right?

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