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Apples being celebrated during month of September in Massachusetts

Announcement was made by Governor Charlie Baker

By Diego Flammini,

What do Snapdragons have in common with Baldwin, McIntosh and Granny Smith?

They are all kinds of apples and as declared by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, September is Massachusetts Apple Month.

Honeycrisp apples
Honeycrisp apples

“We are proud to recognize Massachusetts as a regional leader in apple processing and distribution and that our agricultural partners are working together to strengthen and expand the apple industry,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “By declaring this month ‘Massachusetts Apple Month,’ we encourage everyone to support our vibrant agricultural industry in order to strengthen consumers’ awareness of Massachusetts grown produce.”

There are approximately 340 apple orchards in the state of Massachusetts, spanning over 4,000 acres of land. In 2012, 28 million pounds of apples accounted for $20 million for the state’s economy. More than 140 varieties of apples are grown in the state including Cortland, Macoun, Gala and Honeycrisp.

The United States Apple Association (USAA) says apples contain no fat, cholesterol or sodium and are great sources of fiber.

“We are honored to recognize Massachusetts apple growers who work hard to produce this nutritious and delicious. Our apple growers are committed to caring for the land, preserving open space, and implementing best management practices,” said Department of Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux.

According to the USAA, the top 10 apple-producing states are:

  1. Washington
  2. New York
  3. Michigan
  4. Pennsylvania
  5. California
  6. Virginia
  7. North Carolina
  8. Oregon
  9. Ohio
  10. Idaho

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