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Autonomous Tech and Autonomous Machinery for an Autonomous Future

Autonomous Tech and Autonomous Machinery for an Autonomous Future

Winding Down 2023 With the Precision Ag Digital Digest

By Ryan Ridley
Managing Editor, Precision Ag Digital Digest

Autonomy, autonomy, autonomy… the agriculture landscape is buzzing with developments to create autonomous farming solutions.

Is autonomy the future of farming?

It’s certainly going to be a game-changing component.

In the recently released Winter 2023 Precision Ag Digital Digest, we explore various autonomous technologies from multiple manufacturers.

AGCO chats about its plans to automate the crop cycle (field prep, planting, crop protection and harvest) by 2030—some of these technologies are currently in development.

We connected with Trimble Ag and HORSCH about its testing of a fully autonomous sprayer.

With harvest wrapping up in most regions, we caught up with Raven Industries to learn about its Cart Automation technology, which allows the combine operator to sync the grain cart with the combine auger.

John Deere digs deep into its autonomous tillage solution, the 8R tractor paired with its 2260VT.

Did you know there are tractors on the market that follow you around the field? Follow Me Mode is a feature on Case IH’s new electric tractor. We chat with Case IH about several other autonomous features on this fully electric tractor.

The PAG Tech Clips section is packed with new innovations —watch and learn from the experts themselves.

We hope you enjoy the latest issue — read it online here:

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