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BASF introduces Surtain herbicide for field corn growers

BASF introduces Surtain herbicide for field corn growers
Sep 17, 2024
By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content,

The product has a first-of-its-kind solid-encapsulated technology

Field corn growers in eastern Canada have a new crop protection product available to them.

After about 10 years of research and trials, BASF has introduced Surtain, a residual herbicide for corn that combines PPO inhibitor saflufenacil (Group 14) and pyroxasulfone (Group 15) in a premix formulation.

One of the product’s key characteristics is the first-of-its-kind solid-capsulated technology.

“The Group 14 product is actually encapsulated, and this is what allows us to apply it post-emerge on corn,” Rob Miller, technical development manager with BASF, told “It’s a thin coating, and once you apply (Surtain), the rainfall moves the active ingredients out to provide that extended residual weed control.”

The solid encapsulation technology also supports another of Surtain’s benefits – flexibility.

The herbicide can be applied anywhere from pre-emergence to the three-leaf stage.

The product also has flexibility across different soil types, Miller added.

Surtain can help control or suppress multiple broadleaf weeds and grasses, like lamb’s quarters, pigweed, foxtail, crabgrass and barnyard grass.

“Where it really shines is on some of those key broadleaf weeds because it provides multiple modes of effective action on weeds such as common ragweed, eastern black nightshade, and probably the one that’s emerging the fastest, resistant waterhemp,” Miller said.

And farmers can tank mix the product with Marksman, Engenia or atrazine plus glyphosate for increased control.

A 2023 trial of Surtain plus Marksman and glyphosate at the two-leaf stage resulted in 94 per cent weed control efficacy, BASF data says.

Surtain will be available to farmers for the 2025 growing season.

Producers can contact local retailers, visit BASF at upcoming farm shows and visit the manufacturer’s website to learn more about Surtain.

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