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Bayer brings Corvus herbicide to corn growers in Eastern Canada

Bayer brings Corvus herbicide to corn growers in Eastern Canada

The product gives farmers flexibility in application timing and tank mix options

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Corn producers in Eastern Canada have a new weed control tool.

Available for the 2022 growing season is Bayer’s Corvus herbicide.

“We’re bringing a herbicide to the corn market to Eastern Canada that offers outstanding weed control for broadleaf weeds and grass species,” Kate Hyatt, crop and campaign manager, corn at Bayer, told

The product combines two modes of action – Group 2 (thiencarbazone-methyl) and Group 27 (isoxaflutole), to help farmers control multiple weeds including tall and common waterhemp, foxtails and pigweed.

Bayer Corvus QR code

Corvus also has a proprietary safener, Hyatt said.

“With this safener in the formulation, it helps ensure crop safety as well as strong weed control,” she said.

With Corvus, farmers have flexibility in application timing.

The product can be applied pre-emerge, pre-plant incorporated, or early-post emerge (up to two-leaf corn).

“With the application flexibility and the opportunity for tank mixing, it really allows farmers to tailor what they’re using the product for based on what’s going on in their fields,” Hyatt said.

While Corvus may be new to the Eastern Canada market, it’s not a new product overall.

U.S. farmers have been using the herbicide for about 10 years.

Bayer has been evaluating products that have been effective in the US, Hyatt said.

“We wanted to take advantage of work between Canada and the U.S. to round out our corn portfolio for both herbicides and fungicides,” she said. “We wanted to look at products the U.S. was having success with and do the research ourselves to prove Corvus’s efficacy for the Canadian market.”

During that time, however, Bayer conducted multiple field trials in Eastern Canada with the most recent ones occurring in 2021.

The data shows Corvus provides excellent control of the weeds it targets, Hyatt said.

“With a total of 21 weed hits, that’s both broadleaves and grasses, Corvus at the mid-rate, plus atrazine, applied pre-emerge, showed 91 per cent control, 28 days after application,” she said. “We had a number of competitor products in those trials as well and Corvus provided at least 6 per cent better control.”

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