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Bayer CropScience to hold Twitter chat on canola

10 experts will be available to answer questions

By Diego Flammini,

The world of communication is ever-changing and Bayer CropScience is seizing the opportunity to engage with farmers.

Tuesday, April 21st, between 2 - 3pm MT (4 - 5pm ET) Bayer CropScience will be holding a Twitter-based chat revolving around canola.

Bayer has made a panel of 10 experts available to answer any questions growers might have. The panelists and their Twitter handles are:

•        Dan Orchard, Canola Council of Canada: @orchardccc

•        Leighton Blashko, Market Development Specialist Central AB, Bayer CropScience: @LeightonBlashko

•        Harold Brown, Market Development Specialist Manitoba, Bayer CropScience: @haroldbrownbcs

•        Allana Lewchuk, Market Development Specialist Saskatchewan, Bayer CropScience: @AllannaLewchuk

•        Meagan Pierrar, Market Development Specialist Peace River Region: @MegPierrardBCS

•        Kyle Gross, Project Management Bayer CropScience: @kylegrossBCS

•        Blaine Woycheshin, Manager Oilseed Crops, Bayer CropScience – InVigor Seed

•        James Humphris, Manger Oilseeds Crops, Bayer CropScience – Traits: @jameshumphris1

•        Al Eadie, Market Development Specialist, Bayer CropScience

•        Courtney Stephenson, Marketing Communications Specialist – Oilseeds, Bayer CropScience: @CStephensonBCS

Anybody who wishes to participate in the chat can use the hashtag #CanolaChat to engage more people in the discussions. People who submit their questions will have their name put in a draw for the chance to win a GoPro Hero 4 camera.

Later this spring, Bayer CropScience will also be launching #AskBayerCrop and cereal growers can tweet experts about their seed treatments, fungicides or herbicides and receive answers almost immediately.

Join the conversation and tell us if you’re going to participate in the canola chat on Twitter. What kind of questions would you ask or like to see asked?

Canola flowers

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