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Bayer launches DEKALB DK401TL canola hybrid

Bayer launches DEKALB DK401TL canola hybrid

This hybrid yields higher than competitor hybrids

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

Bayer is bringing a new DEKALB canola hybrid to the market for Western Canadian farmers that will be available for the 2025 growing season.

DK401TL is the company’s highest-yielding canola and has performed better than competitor hybrids seen across the Prairies, said Nikki Vercaigne, DEKALB west marketing campaign lead.

“In our farmer-led trials, DK401TL outyields InVigor L340PC, which is the most widely grown canola hybrid in Western Canada, by about 107.8 per cent,” she told

That dataset is from 17 trials in 2023.

In addition to the improved yield, DK401TL also includes a suite of agronomic packages to provide better performance, Vercaigne said.

DK401TL canola

“These include Straight Cut Plus, strong disease protection from blackleg and clubroot, and flexible weed control DK401TL is a TruFlex LibertyLink hybrid,” she said. “It also has optimum harvestability. We see earlier maturing and dry down to support smoother combining in the fall to protect yield advantages.”

In 2024, Bayer is conducting about 140 market development trials with DK401TL across the Prairies.

Farmers interested in learning more about the hybrid are encouraged to begin those discussions now, Vercaigne said.

“Given its performance we will have an aggressive launch of the hybrid in 2025 and supply will be limited,” she said. “We’re encouraging farmers to speak with their retailers and get out to see the hybrid in a trial near them.”

In addition for 2025, DEKALB is bringing DK800LL and DK801LL canola hybrids to the market.

In 30 market development trials in 2023, DK800LL outperformed DKLL 83 SC, while DK801LL had similar performance to DKLL 83 SC.

DK401TL product page

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