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Bayer’s Baytril 100 Now Approved for Hogs and Dairy Heifers

Baytril Antimicrobial Treats against Respiratory Disease

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Bayer HealthCare’s Canadian animal health division announced last week that they have now been approval to sell its Baytril 100 to treat swine respiratory disease (SRD) and bovine respiratory disease (BRD) for non-lactating dairy heifers less than 20 months of age. The antimicrobial has been in used to treat BRD in feedlot cattle since 2004.

This approval of Baytril 100 to treat respiratory diseases is good news for swine and dairy farmers, as some producers have found that SRD can increase feed costs, because it’s adding on average six additional days until the hog goes to market. Respiratory illness such as pneumonia can also reduce pig growth rates as high as 8 percent. 

“Left untreated, respiratory disease in pigs causes lung damage and increases mortality, impacting the bottom line,” said Dr Bruce Kilmer, Bayer HealthCare, Animal Health’s Director of Technical Services & Regulatory Affairs.

Similarly BRD in dairy heifers can cause decreased growth, delayed first calving and premature culling from the herd. The economic consequences seem to be greater for dairy heifers - if not treated it could cost a farmer upwards of $2,200 for a replacement heifer.

The product is made available for veterinary use only and sold in 100 and 120 millilitre bottles starting in November.

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