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Beef prices hit record amid shrinking herds

Aug 23, 2024

Drought and demand fuel cattle market highs


The U.S. cattle industry is witnessing a significant rise in prices due to a combination of shrinking supplies and enduring demand.

Over the past five years, the U.S. has seen a continuous liquidation of its beef cow herds, leading to lower calf crops and reduced beef production, which in turn has pushed cattle prices to historic highs.

The number of beef cows as of January 2024 stood at 28.22 million, a decline from previous years and the lowest since the last cyclical downturn in 2014. This decrease is largely attributed to prolonged drought conditions that have forced farmers to reduce herd sizes more aggressively than anticipated.

In response to these tightening supplies, beef production has seen a decline from record highs in 2022, with further reductions expected in the coming years.

Despite potential economic downturns affecting consumer spending, beef demand has proven resilient, supporting higher price levels in the marketplace.

The cattle market is also influenced by feed costs, particularly corn prices, which have a direct correlation with cattle prices. The latest USDA projections indicate a reduction in corn acreage, suggesting potential fluctuations in feed costs that could impact future cattle pricing.

As the market navigates these dynamic conditions, cattle prices are projected to maintain their upward trend. Producers are encouraged to leverage strategic marketing plans that mitigate risks associated with price volatility, such as establishing floor prices while allowing for upward potential, to capitalize on the current market strengths.

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