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Boost Your Harvest Potential with GROU

By Jean-Paul MacDonald

The Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) is reminding producers that the product nomination deadline for the Grower Requested Own Use (GROU) program is October 2nd, 2023. Here are some key points about the GROU program and the approved products:

· Program Deadline: The product nomination deadline for the GROU program is October 2nd, 2023. This deadline is a reminder to producers to submit their nominations for consideration.

· GROU Program: GROU (Grower Requested Own Use) is a federal government program in Canada that allows growers to import equivalent U.S. versions of Canadian-registered crop protection products for their own use. It helps Canadian growers access specific agricultural products that may not be available in Canada.

· Nomination Committee: The Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) is a member of the nomination committee responsible for submitting product nominations to be considered for inclusion in the GROU program.

· Approved Products: Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) maintains a list of approved products under the GROU program. This list is periodically updated with new additions as products are approved.

· Product Expiry: Each approved product under the GROU program has an equivalency certificate that specifies its expiration date. For products mentioned in the announcement, the certificates expire in 2023, 2024, or 2025, depending on the product. After the certificate's expiration, the product may no longer be eligible for importation under the GROU program

· Importation Requirements: Imported products must comply with the Pest Control Products Act. Unauthorized importation is a violation of this act and can result in appropriate compliance measures.

· GROU Import Certificate: A GROU Import Certificate is required for importing GROU-approved products. Growers and grower associations can nominate candidate products for the GROU program.

· GROU Nomination Committee: The GROU Nomination Committee, consisting of several not-for-profit Canadian national grower associations, assists in prioritizing GROU product candidates and manages the GROU container management program fee collection.

· Equivalency Certificate Expiration: Equivalency certificates issued for GROU-approved products remain valid until December 31st of the second calendar year after issuance.

It's essential for Canadian growers to stay informed about these deadlines and requirements to ensure compliance with the GROU program and access to approved crop protection products for their use. Growers interested in nominating new products for consideration under GROU should coordinate with the relevant grower associations and the GROU Nomination Committee.

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