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Canadian Cattlemen’s Association Says ‘Bring on EU Trade’

European Trade Deal Vital for Canadian Cattle Industry

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The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association is advocating for more trade opportunities for Canadian beef farmers. The lobby group is in favour of securing more export markets including the proposed European Union Trade deal. The association held a town hall meeting Wednesday night with beef producers in Chesley, Ontario, where farmers expressed their anticipation for the EU trade deal to go through. President of the CCA Martin Unrau, echoed beef producers thoughts on the trade deal noting that the EU trade deal is crucial for the Canadian beef industry.

The CCA also has high hopes for increased exports to South Korea, Japan, China, Russia and Mexico. CCA supporters seemed optimistic at the gathering, with many beef producers seeing the beef industry having a vibrant future ahead. Although, the beef sector is good right now, the CCA continues to push for a national price insurance program to bring more stability for Canadian beef producers.

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